PC Game Artwork pack

Cave Game Artwork pack

New youtube links showing Artwork packs ill be complete in a day or so
Vertical Theme Demo
===================Please Take the Time to ReadBelow!!========================
Hey Everyone sorry To nuke this thread 1st Post! But I am going to be Redoing a Fewthings To make it easier for myself in the future
NXL Will now be split into Downloads To help my Awful upload speed So, by updating a small thing I wont have to reupload the entire thing. How I will be doing this is via Artwork packs
NXL will come in 2 main Verions.
NXL Theme update Only. This is ment for those who are using their own customartwork, or those or are just updating a preexisting install This is ment to be drag and dropped into the layout folder No fuss no muss
Nxl BaseInstall This is going to include everything presetup Minus Romlist and Artwork This will have rocketlauncher and the AM ingreation pack This is ment for beginners who dont know where to start
This will include all 3 versions of the theme and the screen saver Iv made.
What about the Artwork packs?
Well You download the baseinstall, and pick a artwork pack the current list of artwork packs avilable are
Cave ::
Taito Type X::
Pc Games::
Inside Each ArtworkPack You will find a Emulator.cfg File, And a Romlist
Extract the Contents of The pack To your artwork Folder.
Then Take the Romlist open it up in Notepad++ And copy the Romlist, Then naivgate to your romlist of choice, and paste it in YOU can even use this time to remove games you dont intend on ever playing!
Once that is dont Save your Romlist and Copy the "cave".cfg File form the artwork Pack into your ../Am/Emulators/ Folder. This is what sets the path inside AM for it to scan for your artwork
Once this is setup with these 3 easy setups You have setup the frontend!, its up to you at this point to configure your prefered method to launch the game
Addtional information
To unlock More features insde of of my frontend I have changed the meaning behind some of the default strings inside the romlist so when adding your own games take this into account.
This is the current default settings inside a AM romlist.
This is the current Strings inside ours lets check out how it differs
Yatagarasu;Yatagarasu Attack on cataclysm;Nesica;;2015;Nyu Media;Fighting;1-2;4.3;6;300000;;;Nesica;

?? Attack on Cataclysm;
The [Rotation Tag] has Been changed And NXL pulls this as if it ment Game Version
The [Control] Tag Wants to know the number of buttons used 1-6 For the selected game.
The [Status] Tag Any number higher then 400000 Will make the network appear online, place a random large number here for online games, leave blank if the game has no online features
[Alt Romname] This is A system of Orgin tag this diffifers form "emulator" beacuse The emulator may be mame, but you would like the system of orgin to display something else
[AltTitle] Is being used to display japnease Text.
Planned Artwork Sets:: Currently
TouHou Games.
Download Links Remember to read above
Change Log
Added More Manufactures To Db,
Changed some of the text displayed onscreen
Other tweaks.
Special Thanks to Arcadebliss, for helping me alot early on