Yea ive tried all the mame32 plus! versions almost, I'm aware of that 0.195 end vibe
I use After burner2 and out run also as lagg bench not sure if thats a good bench reference even to use?!? only if metal slug doesnt lag, they even lagg on new versions, after a certain mame version , and on the newest versions of mame, everything laggg like in auto skip to full blast!
So mame32 plus! 0.88u2 (my fav) nothing lagg! but it doesnt supports the newer games

on advanceMAME 0.106, after burner2 and stuff also lag time, metal slug 5... no issues...
In advanceMAME 0.106... there is no resize_effect... only magnify in the tap menu and auto and runs on 1 but I understand what you mean..
My test results on mame32 plus
MAME32 Plus! 0.74u1 lag free
MAME32 plus 0.83 lag free
MAME32 plus! 0.88u2 - lagg free
mameplus_bin_gcc-0.120 with up to metal slug 4 without lag,,, lagg on other lagg free games from previous versions
Mame32_Plus_0.104 ..hell no
mameplus-0.101u3-bin -hell no
mameplus_bin_gcc-0.106-20060517 metal slug roms all works the rest lagg
MAME32 just have issues..
MAME32 More! 0.84.201 support alot of games, program is just weird and didnt do it for me
also fastmame.. nope!!!! and I dont going to mess around with dll files in my windows folder to make it work..
mame itself... naaah
no-nag versions, i want my loading progress bar
its just a big mess everything...
thats the pain of using old hardware, but hey.. what can I do with a $20 budget, i use the stuff thats there already... doing a massive free favor for a bud who really needs my help