« Last post by justintime on February 03, 2025, 12:26:41 PM »
Added info to the layout header as follows:
// This theme requires Attract Mode PLUS. Regular AM won't work well or at all.
// Download it here: https://github.com/oomek/attractplus
// Make sure you download all needed modules and place them in your [AM+ install]/modules/ folder:
// Animate, Inertia, Wheel, Animated-Joystick, and Mask.
// Some can be found at: https://github.com/oomek/attract-extra/tree/main/modules
// ...and others at: https://github.com/Chadnaut/Attract-Mode-Modules/tree/master/modules
// Also put the provided arch-vertical-CVP.nut file inside the wheel-presets folder.
// If you want cabinet artwork, put it all inside a "cabinet" folder and attach to AM+:
// Configure > Emulator > Edit Emulator > Add Artwork >
// Name it 'cabinet' > point to the folder with the cabinet art inside it.
// Then go into hypernut layout parameters and point to it:
// Configure > Displays > [your hypernut display] > Layout Options > Source of Cabinet Image > [select 'cabinet']
// A good source for cabinet artwork files here: https://emumovies.com/files/file/548-mame-cabinets-pack/
// Lastly, make sure to check the Layout configuration screens, there are TONS of options to tweak:
// Configure > Displays > [your hypernut display] > Layout Options >