Loving attractmode, but I can't get something to work.
Running 2.0.0 on Ubunutu.
Setup MAME, it works well.
Want to setup xsnes9x. I can play games, but artwork is not working.
Artwork is located in
cfg file is as follows:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.0.0
executable /usr/games/snes9x-gtk
args "[romfilename]"
rompath $HOME/roms/snes
romext .zip
system Super Nintendo (SNES)
info_source thegamesdb.net
artwork flyer $HOME/snes/boxart
artwork marquee /home/arcade/snes/marquee
artwork snap $HOME/snes/videos;$HOME/snes/snap
artwork wheel /home/arcade/snes/flyer
If I scrape, attractmode only looks at scrape directory. If I remove scrape directory, no art is found.
What am I missing?