This is Shader’s first official release. Shader will now used versioned releases. Please update your layouts to the latest release and make note of the version used to prevent the breaking of your layouts.
Updated and new shaders. Shaders folder path accessible from a global variable. Shaders create shader variable and use set_default function to set default parameters. Updated readme. This commit will break existing usage of the module, and layouts must be updated.
RoundCorners(radius, imageWidth, imageHeight, [subImgWidth], [subImgHeight]);
If you are using my existing shader module, the latest commit will break existing layouts. I am sorry. Please either update your layout, or link in your readme to a previous specific commit. I am now using versioning, and it should prevent issues like this in the future.
Currently, all of my themes have to use a previous commit until I have time to update them. mvscomplete is almost ready. Playchoicecomplete and Flavors will need time.
Big thank you to luke jones and oomek for converting or creating these shaders. Will be adding more by both of them as well as zpaolo11x, when time permits. Thank you guys! Wrapping these up into a module helps myself, and perhaps others too.