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Messages - zpaolo11x

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83
Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.5 [Release] Updated 28 May 2018
« on: May 28, 2018, 10:19:35 PM »
Se puo esserti d'aiuto a me non visualizza correttamente il bordo bianco introrno alle snapshot, funziona solo per 4:3? Io ho provato su 16:9.

Rispondo al volo a questa, poi ritpondo all'altra parte del messaggio... Prova a ri-scaricare la versione 15, ho fatto una piccola modifica che dovrebbe correggere un problema con i bordi bianchi (li vedi solo in verticale, giusto?). Se non funziona, prova a scaricare la versione PI2 dal mio commento precedente e dimmi cosa si vede sugli screenshot dei giochi, c'è un testo di debug...


Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: May 28, 2018, 12:58:28 PM »
I do have an "advanced usage" question, that may or may not be supported:

Investigated a bit and this is how things work right now: at the start of the layout I check the screen resolution and decide whether to implement the "vertical" or "horizontal" layout. The difference is in the way objects (tiles) are set up and updated. The way I thought to implement what you need was to add a key routine where it would first apply the screen rotation, then "reload" the layout so everything would be set up "vertically". Sadly though it seems it's not possible to "reload" a layout :(

I made it! It works on my test system. I'll upload the new revision ASAP, stay tuned :D

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: May 28, 2018, 12:39:08 PM »
Thank you for the comments, I tried to reply to your messages but it seems that you have a full inbox. I'm glad you solved the issue of the white borders. I'd really like to make it work without having to resize the snaps but it got quite messy when I tried, that's why I put the scripts in the archive :D

Regarding rotation, I'll check what can be done. I am working on rev.15 right now I'll see if I can implement what you need. Right now AF gets its "rotation" from the screen resolution.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: May 24, 2018, 11:54:51 PM »
I'm uploading here a stripped down version of AF theme that I hope someone can test with a Raspberry Pi and report if it works or not... In this version I stripped most bells and whistles to reduce the number of textures in memory...

Scripting / Re: Is it possible to format text on a surface?
« on: May 21, 2018, 08:05:24 AM »
That's soo close! How do I then add that object to a surface?

The object should be already added to the surface... look at the declaration:

local options_text = dd_artwork_options.add_text("Show Artwork",0, 0, 252, 66)

is adding the object to the dd_artwork_options surface (which I didn't declare in the code sinppet), while if it was like this:

local options_text = fe.add_text("Show Artwork",0, 0, 252, 66)

then the text object would be added to the main frontend.

Scripting / Re: "Clickable - surface"
« on: May 21, 2018, 07:29:12 AM »
It's not exactly the same, but I did something similar in my Arcadeflow theme: when you go down from the grid view you "enable" an horizontal scrollbar to scroll faster through games. It's not difficult to code, just requires a bit more complicated input management routine.

In my theme I have a "on signal" section which already tracks arrow buttons, and usually left and right are used to scroll through games. When the theme detects a "down" press from the last row it enables a switch variable (something like scrollbar_enabled = true) and this same variable is checked by the "left" and "right" case statement.
So if the variable is false "left" and "right" move the games, otherwise there's a routine to update the scrollbar.

I don't know if it helps

Scripting / Re: Is it possible to format text on a surface?
« on: May 21, 2018, 07:21:06 AM »

dd_artwork_options.add_text("Show Artwork",0, 0, 252, 66).charsize=40.align=Align.Left;
dd_artwork_options.add_text("Show Artwork",0, 0, 252, 66).charsize=40.align=Left;

But they don't work...

Hmm I never pass parameters directly using the dot, try creating a new object for the text, something like

local options_text = dd_artwork_options.add_text("Show Artwork",0, 0, 252, 66)
options_text.charsize = 40

that should work

Scripting / Re: Is it possible to format text on a surface?
« on: May 20, 2018, 11:50:16 PM »
After spending a good hour trying to work it out, 2 mins after posting I worked it out. Don't know if this is useful to anybody but here's how I did it!

Yes that's the right way. Did you notice that fonts on a surface have a slight border around them, when the surface is transparent?

Announcements / Re: Version 2.3 Released
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:04:24 AM »
Mac os x compile. v2.3.0-32 with SWF support, 100% error free, and a dmg file that works.

Wow I missed this post: I got my from "Mame on modern Macs" and it works but only with homebrew libraries. Does this dmg still require homebrew? And is the "32" a revision number or it stands for 32 bit?

Themes / Re: Flat Blue pi... " Preview " sooner than later
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:26:46 AM »
What are the limitations when developing for the pi3? I have a theme that doesn't work well on Pi but I don't have a Pi to test it. My guess is that the Pi doesn't work well when surfaces are involved, but I'm not sure about that and coding blindly is not so easy :D

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:23:36 AM »
Any updates on raspberry pi3 support? This looks really cool!

Since I don't own a pi3 it's quite difficult to code for it :/ I'm thinking of producing a version that doesn't use surfaces, provided that my guess that surfaces are messing with the pi3 is a good guess :D

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: April 23, 2018, 06:29:51 AM »
Is there an option for original layout - the one with square snaps and smaller wheel logo?

Not right now... Maybe I'll have it in the future, I know some like it that way. It shouldn't be much difficult on paper, but it will require a lot of code tweaking because the theme is now built around the idea of horizontal and vertical thumbs.

I'll see what can be done :)

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.4 [Release] Updated 22 Apr 2018
« on: April 22, 2018, 10:46:33 AM »
Updated Arcadeflow to version 1.4, see the first post for what's new!

Scripting / Re: Shadow
« on: April 13, 2018, 02:57:20 AM »
You can somewhat "fake" a soft shadow by creating multiple clones of a hard shadow and slightly enlarge and reposition each clone, with the right transparency.

Another way, a bit more complicated, is to generate (for example through a script in XNView) e new set of artwork that is a blurred, greyscale, alpha channel version of your wheel art, then use it to place a shadow. I'm doing something like this in my Arcadeflow theme (v1.3 has hard shadow, 1.4 still in development with soft shadows from custom artworks), I can provide a simple xnview script if you like

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 1.3 [Release]
« on: March 26, 2018, 10:10:37 PM »
Yes, Silky works for me on the Pi. I just tested Arcadeflow on my PC and it works fine there (with the roms/art folders copied from my Pi).

It's a relief to see that AF works on your PC, it's a quite complex theme and although I tried to debug it I might have missed something (I'm not a programmer after all :D) ... I asked about Silky because both themes are based on the same carrier, but AF has a heavy layered surface structure and a wide grid (for two rows scrolling) that might be unfit for the Pi.

I'll check if naming and caps are ok, but developing on a Mac it should be quite like Linux... If I'll get my hands on a Pi (and I'll have some spare time) I'll try it there and see if something can be done.

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