Author Topic: Scripts to send the marquee to a second LCD when the screensaver is active RPI4  (Read 4338 times)


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2 Raspberries Pi in a single arcade, one for the emulation and another for the marquee lcd.
When the screensaver of the Raspberry Pi 4 displays random game videos in Attract Mode's screensaver mode, it sends the marquee to a second Raspberry Pi 3 over an internal network. The Pi 3 then displays the marquee on its own LCD screen. When it cannot find the marquee, it displays a default one. This works by using an add-on in the screensaver and a script on the second Raspberry Pi. Additionally, the marquees need to be stored on the second Raspberry Pi as well. It works very well.
Here are the scripts and an example of the files/directories. Made with the help of chatgpt.