Attract-Mode Support > General

Setting up artwork in Attract Mode step-by-step

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well if you are using the attract man layout you won't see the wheel art. That skin was not made to use them. Try the robo-spin them and see if your wheels do not show. If not then we can work from there.

I am trying to get a background image to work for the Exit. I have show Exit enabled in the Displays Menu and it takes me to the command line which is what I want. I was able to get the art for the wheel and snap to display by placing in the menu-art folder. Tried placing the background in there but it does not work I have created the backgrounds folder inside of the menu-art folder. I also tried placing the images in different folders in my theme. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Cosmo's theme and everything is up to date.

I an not familiar with that theme I'll look into it and get back to you.

well I was looking for a video for an emulator and I came across this topic, the sites reported are excellent thanks.✌


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