found a small error in:
"Round wheel"
"adjust right"
the error is repeated in all more than 100 layouts:
the numbers flx * 0.78 are repeated,
the roulette wheel is a little misaligned.
wrong line:
wheel_x = [flx * 0.90, flx * 0.895, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.825, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.73, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.86 ,];
correct line probably:
wheel_x = [flx * 0.90, flx * 0.895, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.825, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.780, flx * 0.73, flx * 0.78, flx * 0.80, flx * 0.856, flx * 0.86 ,];
Congratulations on the work.