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Messages - bionictoothpick

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 22
General / Re: Good emulator for SNES and AM?
« on: October 14, 2020, 05:10:20 PM »
No, it has a frontend, but you'll never see it if you use retroarch with attractmode.

Also very powerful if you want to take the time to learn some of its abilities for overlays and such.

Basically you download it, use the interface to install a "core" for snes emulation.

Then edit your emulator cfg to use retroarch...

Something like this:

executable           c:\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args                 -L cores\snes9x_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath              ..\..\..\Games\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\
romext               .zip;.7z;.fig;.smc
system               Super Nintendo Entertainment System
artwork    fanart          ../../am/scraper/snes/fanart
artwork    flyer           ../../am/scraper/SNES/flyer
artwork    marquee         ../../am/scraper/SNES/marquee
artwork    snap            ../../am/scraper/SNES/snap
artwork    wheel           ../../am/scraper/SNES/wheel

General / Re: Good emulator for SNES and AM?
« on: October 14, 2020, 04:53:22 PM »
Have you used retroarch?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 14, 2020, 02:45:55 PM »
Thanks, I did change those, but still have the same error.

I think it has something to do with visual pinball being obscure compared to the others.

I noticed a couple of things in your attract.cfg that we can try to change:

   startup_mode         displays_menu
   menu_layout          af

It seems you are starting Attract Mode in "Show displays menu" mode, and using AF as a menu layout. This will not work, AF is no more good as a Display Menu layout. You should change the startup mode to the default value (last selected I thing) and as menu layout set "Default" which means no menu layout is used.
I'd try this first to see if it fixes, then you can enable display menu at boot in AF options.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 13, 2020, 06:14:04 PM »
I think it has something to do with visual pinball being obscure compared to the others.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 13, 2020, 02:32:38 PM »
Hello, I tried the new layout.nut.

Still locks up attractmode, displays other system images for a moment...

No difference that I could detect.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 12, 2020, 11:23:36 AM »
Thanks for spending the extra time troubleshooting.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 12, 2020, 11:22:45 AM »
Thanks. I did rename it to Arcadeflow_90 and changed the cfg to match. Still getting the index error.

Then I need some more info, can you run
Code: [Select]
attract-console.exe > log.txt
you'll find a "log.txt" file in attract mode folder, can you share it with me? Also, the prefs_layoutoptions.txt from Arcadeflow folder will be helpful.
I tried to replicate the issue using a cfg like yours but I can't...

Oh I just noticed another thing: your layout is set to start as "display_menu", do you use a display menu lauout? You should set the AM startup to its default value, if you want to start with the display menu page in Arcadeflow you can set it in its own options

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 11, 2020, 05:00:14 PM »
Thanks. I did rename it to Arcadeflow_90 and changed the cfg to match. Still getting the index error.

Script Error in transition function: on_transition - the index 'pinball' does not exist

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'pinball' does not exist]

Ok, I will look more into it later, but the first thing I notice is that the layout folder is called "af". It's better that you keep the proper name for Arcadeflow folder, that is "Arcadeflow_XX" or at least something that starts with "Arcadeflow", otherwise some features won't work properly...

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 10, 2020, 06:28:25 PM »
Script Error in transition function: on_transition - the index 'pinball' does not exist

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'pinball' does not exist]

If I change the theme for the pinball it still messes up when I return to the layout menu...

Is there something I could send you to help troubleshoot?

Well first you can try running attract-console.exe and see what error messages you get, this will halp me understand what's going bad.
Also, can you share your attract.cfg?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 10, 2020, 09:37:21 AM »
When I try to add my pinball emulator (vpx) and keep the arcadeflow as the display it messes up...meaning even navigation stops working, it will hang...I have to exit the whole thing and rerun...

If I change the theme for the pinball it still messes up when I return to the layout menu...

Is there something I could send you to help troubleshoot?

Running v9.0

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: October 06, 2020, 04:13:29 PM »
When selecting manufacturer in the multifilter there aren't enough characters displayed to be meaningful.

Themes / Re: Elegante theme showcase [example video and screenshots] [WIP]
« on: September 27, 2020, 07:06:52 AM »
I can certainly beta test it if you're looking for someone that's English proficient running in portrait mode.

General / System Menu - Select launch a program
« on: September 26, 2020, 06:25:11 PM »
Is there a way to launch a program from the system menu, rather than load that systems layout?

I want to run PinballY.exe when Pinball is selected as a system.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 8.9 [Release] Updated 25 September 2020
« on: September 26, 2020, 02:12:50 PM »
8.9 Custom Transparent Overlay Feature

Thank you for adding this! It makes it so seamless to allow people to know what the buttons are going to do.

I just need to make the custom image in a higher resolution next time....

General / Re: Add command before and after emulator launch
« on: September 25, 2020, 06:14:30 AM »
Thank you for the response. I have more than enough now.

All this because my joysticks don't work properly with SFML so they are hidden from attractmode.

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