C'mon guys!
Why so much negativity?
I've faced similar backlash when we've released free just-flash image of Wordpress server for RPi -
www.PressPi.comSimilar voices all over RPi forum:
- why releasing it? everyone can build it's own from scratch!
- RPi is all about learning, flash-ready images just "corrupts" the community
- if you don't build it - you don't know how it "ticks"
Those are valid points - really!
But the truth is that RPi is an ideal candidate for a appliance-like working "black-box".
Just flash downloaded image and you are good to go!
Of course it creates it's own set of problems - like totally inexperienced user asking on forum painfully basic questions (and the same questions over and over again). Especially when someone releases half-baked product without any support - happily "blessing" the community he builds upon with the "joy" of being tech support for a flawed product.
I just hope that it won't be the case with this release

Right Carl?
And the project has it's own forum - so hopefully it won't pollute AM forum with image-specific questions.
And guys - what you are judging when it comes to theme design? It's obviously work-in-progress - first video shows just a bunch of themes with various quality. But the last one (NEO GEO) looks really polished to me. It's a good sign.
Personally I don't like this type of hyperspin in-your-face themes where everything moves, bounces, rotates, etc. But it's just me - the others like that. A lot! It's what made hyperspin so popular. (among the other things) - the eye candy.