Author Topic: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!  (Read 20161 times)


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Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:58:33 AM »
If you have a pi its time to get excited ;) Over 100 different systems and collections with custom layouts. It's built around Hyperspin naming conventions so just drop your roms in and you are ready to go with all media included. It's a few weeks from release.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 12:06:24 PM »
We also have some special treats that we are aiming to release together with Emumovies. Here is something for all Neo Geo fans:


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 12:19:50 PM »


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2017, 02:15:24 AM »
You build hype but I think that this is just a 3rd, 4th, 5th version of Floob's image based on this Why not release your layout/theme so we don't have to download a 3+ GB  image to see a theme/layout? Most of us are capable of just putting in place a layout based on our current setup vs download an image that provides little to anyone other than noobs that want a "quick fix"? Flood's image was great... six months ago. A lot has changed and anyone using that as a base is just a mess at this point (too many cooks in the kitchen).

If you want a serious challenge and want to show your skills, look at this RetroFE theme and harvest its resources to make a great theme for Attract-Mode .

P.S. Sorry if I sound harsh but build your own. Don't ride on others coat tails. Explore alternate avenues to seek the ultimate build.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 02:27:28 AM by progets »


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2017, 06:41:59 AM »
Looks nice and all and it's presented well in the youtube video, but I agree with what progrets said. My initial reaction to this was "meh" because this has been done before and I think more people here would be impressed if you released your themes to the public rather than forcing anyone who wants this to download a 4gb+ file. Also, I have a feeling it will require users to endure websites decorated with other junk/spam/advertisements in order to actually download the whole thing.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2017, 10:20:20 AM »
C'mon guys!
Why so much negativity?

I've faced similar backlash when we've released free just-flash image of Wordpress server for RPi -

Similar voices all over RPi forum:
- why releasing it? everyone can build it's own from scratch!
- RPi is all about learning, flash-ready images just "corrupts" the community
- if you don't build it - you don't know how it "ticks"

Those are valid points - really!

But the truth is that RPi is an ideal candidate for a appliance-like working "black-box".
Just flash downloaded image and you are good to go!

Of course it creates it's own set of problems - like totally inexperienced user asking on forum painfully basic questions (and the same questions over and over again). Especially when someone releases half-baked product without any support - happily "blessing" the community he builds upon with the "joy" of being tech support for a flawed product.

I just hope that it won't be the case with this release :D
Right Carl?

And the project has it's own forum - so hopefully it won't pollute AM forum with image-specific questions.


And guys - what you are judging when it comes to theme design? It's obviously work-in-progress - first video shows just a bunch of themes with various quality. But the last one (NEO GEO) looks really polished to me. It's a good sign.

Personally I don't like this type of hyperspin in-your-face themes where everything moves, bounces, rotates, etc. But it's just me - the others like that. A lot! It's what made hyperspin so popular. (among the other things) - the eye candy.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 12:25:57 PM »
Yeah Progets that post was really negative. Not sure what triggered you there. Davi Marti is a team member and Motion Blue is a part of Project HyperPie and trust me we have come a long way since floobs images were released. If you don't want it then don't download it. No need to spread negativity around.

We are working with a bunch of great guys, nyny77 from the launchbox forum, an amazing video theme creator. We will be the first to have cross front end video snap support out of the box (ES and AM). Full hyperlist compatibility. Over a hundred different wheels with different layouts. We are working with Emumovies and have converted all the snaps, video themes etc to work great on the pi in 720P and 480P. Hundreds of hours have gone into this.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2017, 12:49:18 PM »
Looks nice and all and it's presented well in the youtube video, but I agree with what progrets said. My initial reaction to this was "meh" because this has been done before and I think more people here would be impressed if you released your themes to the public rather than forcing anyone who wants this to download a 4gb+ file. Also, I have a feeling it will require users to endure websites decorated with other junk/spam/advertisements in order to actually download the whole thing.

It's not all about the themes, countless hours of finding artwork to all the latest hyperlist xml files, forum, facebook group, youtube channel with support videos.We are a 30 man team doing this for free. I'm sure if you ask nicely for a specific theme it will be uploaded. It takes time to make an image like this. It needs to be tested, video themes  needs to be created, software, scripts are updated etc. We are working with Circo at emumovies and hopefully we will be able to host everything there so if you consider that a junk/spam/advertisement ridden website then this is not for you.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 01:18:22 PM »
If you like those RetroFE themes, you will like ours. over 100 individual customized themes for every "system" and we will be more than happy to make ALL of these layouts available separate. but we are trying to get the complete image out first. The layouts will be released alongside it for those who don't want "Everything" or want more customization. The video he showed is not everything. There is a lot of thought that went into this project, and it is definitely NOT a re heated version of Floobs image, it is built from the ground up, we have also modified Emulationstation to include new "systems" and a custom theme as well. We definitely put a lot of time into this, with many little nice customizations, scripts, media..etc. There are lots of little things that we think make this image more profesional than all the random's people have been posting cause they want attention. The video is a little teaser, and you will see more in the coming weeks. You don't have to like it, but its something that all who are working on it are very proud of and we are excited to offer it to everyone.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 01:20:03 PM »
Really isn't based on floobs it's been built from ground up, updated with everything possible, standardised to use hyperspin naming has a ton of customised themes. Lots of work has been put in from everyone in their free time to make something for the community.

Yes you can build it yourself we all have but why wouldn't you want to put something out there for everyone free of charge for to use. From what I have seen there is nothing like it kicking about and opens it up to lots of people to have fun gaming with a nice looking frontend.

Negativity about something so helpful is a little weird, why not try it out when it's done and see what's what. If then you can honestly be negative then fair enough  8)


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2017, 01:27:48 PM »

I just hope that it won't be the case with this release :D
Right Carl?

And the project has it's own forum - so hopefully it won't pollute AM forum with image-specific questions.

Thank you Verion,

We have been working on this for months and not rushing it for those exact reasons, we dont want tons of issues and having to fix problems, it will be as problem free as possible. I think some of the things we have done will make it even easier for most.

and yes we have a large forum and facebook group where we will handle any specifc questions.

Just like you say, we know not everyone will like its "style", but i think a lot will.


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2017, 01:42:10 PM »
Looks nice and all and it's presented well in the youtube video, but I agree with what progrets said. My initial reaction to this was "meh" because this has been done before and I think more people here would be impressed if you released your themes to the public rather than forcing anyone who wants this to download a 4gb+ file. Also, I have a feeling it will require users to endure websites decorated with other junk/spam/advertisements in order to actually download the whole thing.

Most theme's have or will been released to the public along with countless others constantly released in the forum and Facebook group. So much good content has come from the group in its previous incarnation and it's current one. We love creating content and helping people should check it out you might be pleasantly surprise bud.  :D


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2017, 09:41:46 PM »
Looks nice and all and it's presented well in the youtube video, but I agree with what progrets said. My initial reaction to this was "meh" because this has been done before and I think more people here would be impressed if you released your themes to the public rather than forcing anyone who wants this to download a 4gb+ file. Also, I have a feeling it will require users to endure websites decorated with other junk/spam/advertisements in order to actually download the whole thing.

Most theme's have or will been released to the public along with countless others constantly released in the forum and Facebook group. So much good content has come from the group in its previous incarnation and it's current one. We love creating content and helping people should check it out you might be pleasantly surprise bud.  :D

Okay, bud :) I certainly hope that i'm wrong and that you guys live up to the hype on this, and wish you all the best of luck with the final results. What would probably be best is to make the themes available for many of those who'd rather not start from scratch, while at the same time make a raspberry pi image/iso available for those who would like a more easy setup. Besides, a little negativity isn't such a bad thing as it inspires you and your team to work harder and prove all of the 'nay-sayers' wrong or anyone with any doubt whatsoever about what you're doing to retract their negativity or other doubtful comments. With that being said, look forward to seeing your guys' finished product :)


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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2017, 12:42:01 AM »
Looks nice and all and it's presented well in the youtube video, but I agree with what progrets said. My initial reaction to this was "meh" because this has been done before and I think more people here would be impressed if you released your themes to the public rather than forcing anyone who wants this to download a 4gb+ file. Also, I have a feeling it will require users to endure websites decorated with other junk/spam/advertisements in order to actually download the whole thing.

Most theme's have or will been released to the public along with countless others constantly released in the forum and Facebook group. So much good content has come from the group in its previous incarnation and it's current one. We love creating content and helping people should check it out you might be pleasantly surprise bud.  :D

Okay, bud :) I certainly hope that i'm wrong and that you guys live up to the hype on this, and wish you all the best of luck with the final results. What would probably be best is to make the themes available for many of those who'd rather not start from scratch, while at the same time make a raspberry pi image/iso available for those who would like a more easy setup. Besides, a little negativity isn't such a bad thing as it inspires you and your team to work harder and prove all of the 'nay-sayers' wrong or anyone with any doubt whatsoever about what you're doing to retract their negativity or other doubtful comments. With that being said, look forward to seeing your guys' finished product :)

Thanks, this wasn't just a whim, the effort and thought I believe is good, criticism is good, blatant negativity is not lol.

We release so many custom theme's for people to use on our own forum and Facebook group for guys to pick and choose what they like. We have YouTube tutorials and we answer all questions and problems best we can. Any concerns that people would flood here with problems are not needed we are self contained in that respect.

I am really excited about what we are doing and the people involved are talented, passionate guys. Not everyone may like our themes, scripts, tweaks etc and that's cool but even if your not after a base image our group and forum still has lots to offer from guys putting the effort in on their free time just like on here.



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Re: Project HyperPie - RetroPie Image Coming Soon!
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2017, 01:25:20 AM »
We release so many custom theme's for people to use on our own forum and Facebook group for guys to pick and choose what they like.

Why not release these themes on this forum? After all this is where the great software you're using that makes it all happen comes from.

As far as images go, I'm sure some people will love them. Others will have little interest. It's great that AM runs on the Pi but anyone that's serious about emulation is using something with more power. People running AM on Windows, Linux or OSX have no use for an image. People using multiple frontends that are linked and/or leverage RocketLauncher can have extremely complex setups. On the Pi some of us have additional frontends and non RetroPie emulators installed. My point is that you limit your market of interest if you don't offer the layouts separate from the images. You also limit your viewing if you don't make posts on this forum so people can see them.