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Scripting / Re: fbalpha core problem
« on: May 26, 2018, 03:44:10 AM »
Windows cmd usually works with "\" and with "/" for pahts you can:

Code: [Select]
cd C:\AM\emu\retroarch

Code: [Select]
cd C:/AM/emu/retroarch
But you are right I made a search and replace and some "/" became "\" I´ll paste a complete log code with your paths at the end.

But this is not important , the "important" part of the code is this:

Code: [Select]
--verbose >> fba_log.txt 2>&1
This will create a fba_log.txt with your error , so try to create it.

P.D My working code is this:

Code: [Select]

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.1-43
executable           cmd
args                 /c cd "C:\AM\emu\retroarch" & start /wait retroarch -L cores\fbalpha_libretro.dll "[rompath][name].zip"
rompath              C:\AM\emu\retroarch\system\roms\

So , try adding "--verbose >> fba_log.txt 2>&1"

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.1-43
executable           cmd
args                 /c cd "C:\AM\emu\retroarch" & start /wait retroarch --verbose >> fba_log.txt 2>&1 -L cores\fbalpha_libretro.dll "[rompath][name].zip"
rompath              C:\AM\emu\retroarch\system\roms\

P.D.2 Forget "absolute paths" if you cant launch the core , first try complete paths and generate a log , then you can create relative paths and more sfuff.

Code: [Select]
executable           ..\..\emulators\RetroArch_1.7.3_x64\retroarch.exe
args                 -L ..\..\emulators\RetroArch_1.7.3_x64\cores\genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath              ..\..\roms\mastersystem

P.D.3 Can you launch any rom without command line?I mean try 1942 , for example , because maybe you have a non working set.

Scripting / Re: fbalpha core problem
« on: May 24, 2018, 12:28:34 PM »
Is there someone who can help me? I'm not the only one!
I´m not and admin but I think this shoud be on the "emulators" section.

So... try this to see whats happening because should be 1000000000 millions diferent things.

Code: [Select]
executable           C:\AM\emu\retroarch/retroarch.exe  --verbose >> fba_log.txt 2>&1
args                 "[romfilename]" -L cores/fb_alpha_libretro.dll

Open the fba_log.txt and paste the error here if you can`t fix it.

First open the retroach.cfg and check the "cores" path , should be ":\cores"

This worked for me "RetroArch-v1.7.3-64-bit"

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.1-43
executable           cmd
args                 /c cd "C:\AM\emu\retroarch" & start /wait retroarch -L cores\fbalpha_libretro.dll "[rompath][name].zip"
rompath              C:\AM\emu\retroarch\system\roms\

General / Re: Turning down brightness in Attractmode possible?
« on: May 24, 2018, 12:08:03 PM »
Hi all

Is it possible to turn the brightness down of the Attractmode front-end itself? I'm not talking about MAME where it can be controlled with silders. I wondered if there was any option/config edit I could do that turned everything down a few notches for the preview snaps/mp4s aren't as bright across the board - without me having to turn each .png/mp4 down individually! Thanks

Not tested but , you can set for exampel F1 to increase brighness  and F2 to decrease, then, set:

Controls - Custom 1 - F1
Controls - Custom 2  - F2

Code: [Select]
function on_signal( sig )
switch ( sig )
case "up":
                   fe.signal( "custom1" );
return true;

case "down":
fe.signal( "custom2" );
return true;


return false;

fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");

Emulators / Re: Autoit Error
« on: May 22, 2018, 09:38:41 AM »
Thanks, I´ll try I think I need another key.
What I want is to enable "fast forward" for maybe 20 seconds holding an specific key , and then release after that.
Could be "f" for example.

How can I make this with autoit?

so this should do it:
Code: [Select]

Scripting / Re: "Clickable - surface"
« on: May 21, 2018, 01:55:44 PM »
It's not exactly the same, but I did something similar in my Arcadeflow theme: when you go down from the grid view you "enable" an horizontal scrollbar to scroll faster through games. It's not difficult to code, just requires a bit more complicated input management routine.

In my theme I have a "on signal" section which already tracks arrow buttons, and usually left and right are used to scroll through games. When the theme detects a "down" press from the last row it enables a switch variable (something like scrollbar_enabled = true) and this same variable is checked by the "left" and "right" case statement.
So if the variable is false "left" and "right" move the games, otherwise there's a routine to update the scrollbar.

I don't know if it helps

Hi , I love your theme , I made something similar using the on signal function too.
The thing is I looked into your code but is a bit hard to replicate it for my purpose so I`ve used part of the gamestation theme to "set visible" and "invisible" part of my theme.
Is not like have a navigable menu like the mini-nes theme...

I only know a theme with this feature

But my brain literally exploded when I tried to replicate it  ;D

General / Re: Arcade Classics Intro Video
« on: May 20, 2018, 07:46:13 AM »
I think its from Nyny77 from the launchbox community.

UPDATE: Maybe form James Baker...

Scripting / Re: System info
« on: May 19, 2018, 11:10:53 AM »
This should work , only tested with Commdoore 64 , you have to create all your own "case"

Code: [Select]

::OBJECTS <- {

system_current= fe.add_text("",35,15,700,400)


function information_system(ttype, var, ttime)
    switch ( ttype )
    case Transition.ToNewList:
case Transition.StartLayout:
//case Transition.ToNewSelection:
//case Transition.FromOldSelection:
    switch ( )
case "Commodore 64":
        local display_current = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
//OBJECTS.system_current.msg = display_current;
OBJECTS.system_current.msg = display_current + ": Also known as the C64 or the CBM 64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International .It has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time. With support for multicolor sprites and a custom chip for waveform generation, the C64 could create superior visuals and audio compared to systems without such custom hardware.";
OBJECTS.system_current.charsize = 32;
        OBJECTS.system_current.align = Align.Left;
        OBJECTS.system_current.word_wrap = true;


fe.add_transition_callback("information_system" ); 

Replace this for the text you want to show:

Code: [Select]
": Also known as the C64 or the CBM 64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International .It has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time. With support for multicolor sprites and a custom chip for waveform generation, the C64 could create superior visuals and audio compared to systems without such custom hardware."

UPDATED: Text from wikipedia

Themes / Re: AM Switch UI [Wip] - beta version was released
« on: May 19, 2018, 08:32:27 AM »
Looks cool.
The only thing I would love to add is the "name" of the grid items.
I mean , when you dont have an artwork it only shows the default "?" png

Scripting / Re: System info
« on: May 19, 2018, 06:00:01 AM »
How can I add text for system info/specs (console gen, year, cpu...) in system menu and make it update accordingly as I navigate throughout the systems?

Using the magic token "Overview" and then creating .cfg files inside  a "Consoles" folder according to your system names.
Same thing for others , I mean if you set a "Computers" gamelist for your main menu , then you need to create  a "Computers" folder inside romlist and then create a "Commodore Amiga.cfg" inside.

Always add "overview" at the begining of the text:

"Super Nintendo Entertainment System.cfg" extract from wikipedia

Code: [Select]
overview The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (officially abbreviated the Super NES[b] or SNES[c], and commonly shortened to Super Nintendo[d]) is a 16-bit home video game console developed by Nintendo that was released in 1990 in Japan and South Korea, 1991 in North America, 1992 in Europe and Australasia (Oceania), and 1993 in South America. In Japan, the system is called the Super Famicom (Japanese: スーパーファミコン Hepburn: Sūpā Famikon, officially adopting the abbreviated name of its predecessor, the Famicom), or SFC for short. In South Korea, it is known as the Super Comboy (슈퍼 컴보이 Syupeo Keomboi) and was distributed by Hyundai Electronics. Although each version is essentially the same, several forms of regional lockout prevent the different versions from being compatible with one another. It was released in Brazil on September 2, 1992, by Playtronic.

The SNES is Nintendo's second home console, following the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The console introduced advanced graphics and sound capabilities compared with other systems at the time. The development of a variety of enhancement chips integrated in game cartridges helped to keep it competitive in the marketplace.

The SNES was a global success, becoming the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced in North America and Europe from Sega's Genesis/Mega Drive console. The SNES remained popular well into the 32-bit era, and continues to be popular among fans, collectors, retro gamers, and emulation enthusiasts, some of whom still make homebrew ROM images.

Emulators / Re: Autoit Error
« on: May 19, 2018, 05:42:47 AM »

Yes , you are right , I copied from here

Trying to figure out how to create a script for retroarch with your autoit tutorial

Only get "retroarch"

Code: [Select]
;waits for retroarch

Is this right?

Scripting / Re: System List possible?
« on: May 19, 2018, 04:24:16 AM »
@dukpoki Is gaving me an error , "the index -2 does not exist"

Here's a full sample code that should work if you follow the template.  You have to of course, adjust/add more systems accordingly to the total amount on your setup as this code only for a total of 5 systems.  To do that, you simply add/insert more "case" systems along with the "break".  A good rule of thumb is to alphabetize it as AM automatically assigns display numbers that way.  Also make sure your systems listed in your attract.cfg are in alphabetical order as well.  And finally make sure the first 2 and last 2 systems on the list have the same +/- displaytotal in the corresponding lines.  So if you are adding more systems then delete the +displaytotal's I have in Atomiswave & Dreamcast and also the -displaytotal's in Genesis & Mame.  Then once you've added all your systems apply those +/- exactly in the same order/way.

Code: [Select]

local displaytotal = fe.displays.len();  //the total system number

 ::OBJECTS <- {

system1= fe.add_text("",47,48,300,40)
system2= fe.add_text("",47,90,300,40)
system3= fe.add_text("",47,132,300,40)
system4= fe.add_text("",47,174,300,40)
system5= fe.add_text("",47,216,300,40)


function transition_callback(ttype, var, ttime)
    switch ( ttype )
        case Transition.ToNewList:
case Transition.StartLayout:
case Transition.ToNewSelection:
case Transition.FromOldSelection:
            switch ( )
case "Atomiswave":
local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 2 + displaytotal].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1 + displaytotal].name;
                local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
                local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;

        case "Dreamcast":
local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index -2 + displaytotal].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1].name;
                local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
                local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;

case "Gamecube":
local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 2].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1].name;
                local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
                local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;

        case "Genesis":
local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 2].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1].name;
                local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
                local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2 - displaytotal].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;

        case "Mame":
local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 2].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1].name;
                local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
                local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1 - displaytotal].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2 - displaytotal].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;



fe.add_transition_callback("transition_callback" );

I think this will work for "all systems" without "case"
I have used case to replace for shortnames like on the Kent`s example.

Code: [Select]

local displaytotal = fe.displays.len();  //the total system number

 ::OBJECTS <- {

system1= fe.add_text("",flx*0.025,715,150,40)
system2= fe.add_text("",200,715,150,40)
system3= fe.add_text("",350,715,150,40)
system4= fe.add_text("",500,715,150,40)
system5= fe.add_text("",650,715,150,40)


function transition_system(ttype, var, ttime)
    switch ( ttype )
    case Transition.ToNewList:
case Transition.StartLayout:
case Transition.ToNewSelection:
case Transition.FromOldSelection:

local display1 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 2 + displaytotal].name;
local display2 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index - 1 + displaytotal].name;
        local display3 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name;
        local display4 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 1].name;
local display5 = fe.displays[fe.list.display_index + 2].name;
OBJECTS.system1.msg = display1;
OBJECTS.system2.msg = display2;
OBJECTS.system3.msg = display3;
OBJECTS.system4.msg = display4;
OBJECTS.system5.msg = display5;


fe.add_transition_callback("transition_system" );


By the way I´m trying to replace "name" for "shortname" but isnt working.

Scripting / Re: System List possible?
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:44:18 AM »
Ok now is working ... thank you so much  ;D

Any chance to create  a "surface" and navigate between this system list?

Scripting / "Clickable - surface"
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:26:09 AM »
I want to create a little sub menu inside my layout.
Something like the mini nes theme.
The idea is simple.
Click "alt+down" to enter into this submenu and then navigate to one of the free icons , click enter and "search-keyboard" plugin enable . second icon - filters menu , third icon...

Scripting / Re: System List possible?
« on: May 18, 2018, 05:46:35 AM »
@dukpoki Is gaving me an error , "the index -2 does not exist"

Emulators / Autoit Error
« on: May 17, 2018, 04:11:06 AM »
Trying to create a simple script for C64 with retroarch.
All my attempts with autoit failed.

Even a basic script is sending me an error:

Code: [Select]

Sleep, 1000
SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
Send {F11}

Code: [Select]
error: syntax error

Code: [Select]
Aut2Exe Error
Line 5  (File "C:\Users\User\Downloads\AutoIt v3 Script.au3"):

Send {F11}
Send ^ ERROR


Any advice?

P.D. Windows 8.1 x64 , and Autoit v3.3.14.5 , tried Admin privileges run , x86 mode...

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