@ vdfritz
AM & .lnk and .bat files
here (see section windows_games)
I'm not working with retroarch. google said that retroarch starts config-files this way (but as I understood the documentation of retroarch, it loads retroarch.cfg automatically?!):
Path_to_Retroarch\retroarch.exe --config "Path_to_your_config_files\your_config_file.cfg
So create each game a .bat-file with your correct config and settings, to launch a game via batch-file.
Create in AM an emulator with this settings (depending on your paths):
executable C:\attract\EMU\RESO\reso.exe
args "[romfilename]" 640 480 8 40
rompath C:\attract\EMU\RESO\Roms
romext .bat
reso.exe supports .exe, .bat, .com
Tested something like this (with zsnes):
"C:\attract\EMU\RESO\reso.exe" "C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe -m "C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\ROMS\1.smc"" 640 480 8 40
=> windows crash. So I do not know how to use rese.exe directly.
Maybe you can contact the developer of this software, how to use an application with parameters.