Author Topic: Adding Overviews For Emulated Systems (e.g. NES, Genesis)  (Read 4214 times)


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Adding Overviews For Emulated Systems (e.g. NES, Genesis)
« on: September 10, 2018, 02:16:17 AM »
While experimenting with overviews today I (accidentally) found a solution for adding overviews for emulated systems. I am pretty sure someone was asking about that but can't find the thread right now. In latest version of Attract-Mode overviews for roms are stored in:

AM\scraper\[Emulated System]\overview\[rom-name].txt

(Note: In prior versions overviews were stored in AM\romlists\[Emulated System]\[rom-name].cfg)

IF you are using sub-menus e.g. "Start>Consoles>NES" (You don't need Platforms plugin in latest version) you can add overviews for emulated systems by creating a folder "@" in AM\scraper. Result should be like this:

AM\scraper\@\overview\[Emulated System].txt

An Example:
Lets say there is system "NES (Retroarch)", The file should be placed as:

AM\scarper\@\overview\NES (Retroarch).txt

You can add and tweak overviews presentation in layouts via following variables:

//Overview //Heading in comment
local soverview = fe.add_text("[Overview]", 680, 10, 600, 1070); // Add overview (I'm calling it soverview for systemoverview you can name it anything not in use) + Dimensions
soverview.font="BebasNeue Book.ttf"; //Font utilized - In windows either placed with other fonts in "\Windows\Fonts" or placed in layout folder
soverview.align = Align.TopLeft; // Alignment of text - in recent versions AM supports Top/ Bottom alignment
soverview.word_wrap = true; // Word Wrap true or false
soverview.charsize = 24; // Text size = Style.Bold; // Style Bold, Normal or Italic
soverview.set_rgb(180,180,180); //Text color

PS: funny thing, I thought it'll work by adding actual platform categories like arcades or consoles no idea why "@" would work in this case - secondly please move overviews from /scraper to /overviews. Scraper is like a temporary folder before you move scraped data to relevant places. I'm afraid of overwriting data :(
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 02:19:01 AM by rand0m »

Mark Norville

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Updated information 2022 from a newbie who wanted to find this information
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2022, 11:41:38 AM »
A massive thanks for this, I was searching the forum on how to do this, but your three year information was the most helpful, and contained good information. I was trying everything to get the systems to have information on them, I was using Atomiswave, platform, system in the overview folder but nothing would work.

What is overview?

If you see some skin demos, it will show a picture of the Playstation 3 (example) and you will see text and information about the system, when it was made, what processor etc etc. You might see game information as well such as Frogger, if they are on a games menu.

Where can I find where to put these files?

I have my set up in C:\Attract Mode\scraper\MAME\overview\mslug.txt (example)

Does this work on display collections such as Metal Slug Collection?

Yes as the original poster has mentioned to go to C:\Attract Mode\scraper\@\overview\Metal Slug Collection.txt (example)

Is it case sensitive?

I have spent two seconds on this as an example I tried Dolphin Blue on the Samy Atomiswave. My file is (example) you just need the first part e.g dolphin or Dolphin will work.

Can I use the title name, such as Dolphin Blue?

No it has to be 100% the file name as above dolphin, Dolphin but not Dolphin Blue

Do I have to keep adding the same information for each collection?

No you do not. If you done an overview on Dolphin Blue aka dolphin, Dolphin for the Samy Atomiswave, if you do a games collection called Dolphin Collection, then it will show the information that is already completed. If Dolphin Blue is in that collection. (example)

Can I not just put the system information Samy Atomiswave into the scraper folder for it?

At the time of writing this, I tried Samy Atomiswave.txt, Atomiswave.txt, platform.txt and system.txt, that did not display any text for me. I am new to AM and just learning as I go, but I am spamming a lot, just in case there are more newbies like me that start using AM in 2022 or even further, and need non technical, put it into plain English and speak to me like an idiot and not like a techie. AM for Dummies, now in Amazon £1,000,000 per copy, but just quote forum in the discount code, and I will give you a £1 discount.

Hopefully that is all the information you will need, as I cannot think of anything else to write.




Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
HD Specs : 1 x 1 TB SSD + 4 x 8 TB = 33 TB (fullish)
First system : ZX81 (Yes I am an old fart)
PS Network : MarkNorvile
Xbox : Mark Norville


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Re: Adding Overviews For Emulated Systems (e.g. NES, Genesis)
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2022, 05:58:39 PM »
shit i remember we all were looking for this,,like 3 years ago....thanks brother working good
help a friend....