The romset is fine as mentioned previously all works in Hyperspin no problem.
OK so taking a look at the command window I see....
*** Running path to mame64.exe Asteroid
035145-0fe.ef2 not found (tried in asteroid asteroid)
Then similar not founds for more files
Fatal Error Required files are missing, the game cannot be run.
So it appears to be not finding the roms, even though the rom path must be correct surely for it t have created the rom list.
Hyper Spin and / or Attract Mode have nothing to do with MAME itself. So that makes me think from your posts that it is a ROM set issue which is as xbs as pointed out is a MAME / emulator issue. Do post your configuration setup for attract Mode though. But also please post the version of mame that you have Hyper Spin linking to and the version you have attract mode linked to (Though I am assuming you have only one). That will help.
I assume that you have Attract Mode loading the same version (the same program even) as Hyper Spin correct? So if that is the case then it might be a path issue. I have run into that. I have Attract mode load three different versions of mame on one machine (thank ray that I can combine them into one list!
) I ran into the same problem setting up that machine as you had.
Try running mame directly from the command line and loading a game..see if it gives you the same "rom missing" error. If it does..then it IS a mame issue...if not it's a configuration issue.