I`ve updated my AM build on my rpi3 in less than 5 minutes.
So , why is so extremly complicated update it on windows or linux x86?
Lastest nightly builds for windows are datted on june 2016
I`m trying to do a Windows (cross-compile) without succes.
Follow the steps in the mxe tutorial to set up mxe on your system: http://mxe.cc/#tutorial
Make mxe's sfml, ffmpeg and libarchive packages:
make ffmpeg sfml libarchive
So , what exactly I have to do , full mxe compilation or only "ffmpeg sfml libarchive"
I`m running ubuntu 16.04
Followed this steps:
To install Debian packages, add the location of our APT to your /etc/apt/sources:
# echo "deb http://pkg.mxe.cc/repos/apt/debian wheezy main" > \
Then add our GPG key to APT:
# apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D43A795B73B16ABE9643FE1AFD8FFF16DB45C6AB
Update APT cache:
# apt-get update
Install some MXE package:
# apt-get install mxe-i686-w64-mingw32.static-qt
But after donwload the git source and try to make the windows .exe gaves me an error.
Anyone can help me?Thanks.