Author Topic: KeyBoard Focus/Launch Menu Retropie  (Read 2142 times)


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KeyBoard Focus/Launch Menu Retropie
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:15:43 AM »
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has this issue (Running latest version on RetroPi on RPi3 with Attract 2.2.1):

When I first boot, and then say go to a MAME game, I hit enter to launch game, and since I have the Launch menu enabled, I am able to hit a key before the game starts, and then choose an emulator or change launching parameters.  However, I can ONLY do this once, upon first boot.  Once the game launches, and say I then exit, going back to launch the game, NO LONGER allows me to have keyboard control in order to control the Launch menu.  I guess something happens after the game launches, and the keyboard no longer works on the Launch menu.  If I reboot, I am able to control the launch menu ONCE, but again, if I exit, and then go back in, the keyboard no longer works again on the launch menu.  The games and everything work fine, it is just the launch menu that only seems to work ONCE after a boot.

This is the same behaviour in every emulator....tried mame, N64, GA, GBC, GBA etc...same behaviour.

Anyone else have this issue?  Ideas?  Attract mode is set to full is as if it is loosing focus somehow after you launch a game once....

Hope I am explaining the issue correctly....