Is there a dummy's guide to getting this accomplished on a retropie? I'm not quite sure I follow on what to do.
You need to replace what is in the script found in /opt/retropie/configs/all with
setterm -cursor off
stty -echo
attract 2>&1 | grep -o $'\033\[2J'
You can just make sure that a # is in front of all the existing lines in you would rather save it in case you need to revert back.
Thank you need to make two text files one called runcommand-onstart and one called runcommand-onend. They both need to contain printf "\033[H\033[2J"
Once you created them, rename them to add the .sh to the end and then upload them into the /opt/retropie/configs/all folder.
This can all be done via WinSCP but you can also do it via command line if you want. Th
Please note that if you use the Retropie Setup Script at any time that will flash up before the game loads. This can be cleaned up by rebooting the system.
Also note that all terminal text that you wish to input to the system via USB keyboard will no longer show up either. It will accept the text you just won't be able to see it. You can however SSH into the system to do all your work if required.
Good luck!