Author Topic: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu  (Read 6263 times)


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Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« on: May 28, 2017, 10:29:03 AM »
Hey everyone!

I have been trolling this forum for quite some time and decided to finally register. I have been reading on the forum for a while and have learned tons!

The issue I am having is when i select a game in attract mode the screen goes black and the game doesn't start. I can access the GUI and play with the settings and even exit out back to attract mode.

I have read some posts on the forum about setting up emulators in ubuntu. I think my problem lies with my command arguments since retroarch does start but the game does not. all of my snaps, boxart and wheel art show up ok.

below is my cfg file for Sega Master System

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.0-3-dirty
executable           /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch
args                 -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-picodrive/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/mastersystem/retroarch.cfg "[romfilename]"
rompath              /media/viviuss/1TB_HHD/roms/mastersystem
romext               .sms;.bin;.zip;.SMS;.BIN;.ZIP
system               sega master system
artwork    boxart          /media/viviuss/1TB_HHD/roms/mastersystem/boxart
artwork    marquee         
artwork    snap            /media/viviuss/1TB_HHD/roms/mastersystem/snap
artwork    wheel           /media/viviuss/1TB_HHD/roms/mastersystem/wheel

How's it look? Any thoughts?

Im fairly new to linux, but learning fast. Please help me out everyone, I'm stuck and cant move on with my arcade till i figure this out :-(


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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2017, 08:57:14 AM »
First of all your title is misleading. You make is sound like a PC however it is a raspberry pi. (yes technically they are both computers but the differences can be huge depending on the problem)

and secondly are you using a pre-made retro pie image? Looks like you compiled/installed it "raw"?

Try loading without the --config switch and see if it loads normal I might have an answer for you. And plase answer the following questions for me (it will help me a lot):

1. Is this a raspberry pi or a PC that you are using?
    a. if this is a raspberry pi:
       1. Is this a premade image?
       2. Did you compile everything or just install it?
       3. Is this happening on all your systems or just one?

That being said, I have used an image and compiled my own setup on a pi...when compiling my own setup everything worked fine..but setting up my controllers were a pain. The retropie image scripts are like magic (if I didn't understand coding :P ) and it has been MUCH easier to use the image. I commend you for "going out on your own" though :D
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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 09:32:39 AM »
Sorry, I see I didn't post what my set-up was, my bad.

I'm actually running Attract Mode on a PC (Optiplex 990) with Lubuntu OS, i5-2400, 8GB Ram. SSD for the OS, Retropie and Attract Mode with a HHD for ROM storage. This will be for my arcade so I can run N64, Playstation and maybe a few Gamecube games.

I've installed my raspberry pi with a pre-built image with the systems already set up, so I'm familiar with the menus and options. The only thing that I don't understand yet are the command arguments for PC. I know they are different on a PC and I have tried some examples I found on this forum, but I still am having the same issue. :-(

I installed Attract Mode from the terminal so nothing was set up. My problem occurs with the few systems I tried (NES, SNES, Master System).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 09:48:39 AM by Viviuss »


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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2017, 10:40:29 AM »
Aside from being a super cool menu system, Attract Mode doesn't do any magic. Can you run the command from the commandline? If not... you need to fix that first.

My guess is that retroarch can't find the system bios files. Check here for more info.


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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2017, 11:55:16 AM »
Where should I put the BIOS files? Is there a different folder for attract mode? Right now I have them in the BIOS folder for retropie, should the BIOS folder be moved to my roms folder on the HHD?

I'm focusing on Master System right now. If I can make that work I can apply what I've learned to get the other systems working. Master System doesn't require a BIOS according to github.

I will try to run retroarch from the command line, but am not sure how to do it. I'll read the link you posted and see :-)

Oh, and thank you guys for your replies!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 12:06:23 PM by Viviuss »


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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2017, 02:20:48 PM »

First of all you do NOT need to use retropie on the PC..I understand it can be used an compiled for a PC. I know..I've tried it..and trust me if you are using a PC do it without the retropie anything. Retropie image is good for the Pi. In fact it's AWESOME for the pi. Not so much for a PC. A little more work not using the retropie image...however you are cutting yourself short, as using a "raw" set up on a PC gives a lot more flexibility.

That is just my opinion though! :)

I run three systems with Lubunntu and I have never had them fail me yet.

Well if you are using the retropie image on the pc. I would assume that all the paths and settings would be the same.

Aside from being a super cool menu system, Attract Mode doesn't do any magic. Can you run the command from the command line? If not... you need to fix that first.

My guess is that retroarch can't find the system bios files. Check here for more info.

Is right however. Can you start a game from the command line? (Do you know how?) However you don't need a bios for the sega master system as your config it is something else. Again did you try:

Code: [Select]
args                 -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-picodrive/ "[romfilename]"
Does it work this way?

I wonder if the paths are the same on a PC?..I would think they would be though..but I could be wrong. Honestly if you were to go without the retro pie set up on a PC I could set you up in about 30 minutes. But again that is just my opinion.

Press F1 after you load a game..does the retroarch gui come up?

And you inform you if you want to runretroarch from the command line (terminal) you will need to start it as a "local directory" file.
if retroarch is in the /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch folder (and from what I can gather is is) then you need to type this into your terminal:

Code: [Select]
cd /
cd /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch
./retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-picodrive/ "/media/viviuss/1TB_HHD/roms/mastersystem/Sonic the Hedgehog.sms"

you MUST have the . (dot) and / (slash) just like that or you will get an error!

also you can replace the game name with a game you have in that folder. You MUST have quates around the game path because of spaces..and spelling is case sensitive. "Sonic the Hedgehog" is NOT the same as "sonic the hedgehog"
you can open your file manager (pcmanfm) and pick a game..right click it and rename it copy the name of the came (Ctrl+c) then cancel. Then paste that into your terminal (ctrl+shift+V)..and don't forget to include the extension .sms .zip ect.

Report back please :)
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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2017, 04:40:53 PM »
OK, I think I need to explain myself a little bit  ;)

I have worked with Retropie and Attract Mode on a pi for a while now and am comfortable navigating and editing files using WinSCP and such. For my arcade I needed to move up to a PC so I can play N64, Playstation and Gamecube games. I wanted to use Linux because #1 it was something different and I enjoy the challenge of learning something new and #2 it was free! ;D

I downloaded Retropie through the terminal first because of my familiarity with it. I have used it to try different things like transfer files from my windows PC, edit files, and download other programs through the terminal.

My next step was to download Attract Mode and set it up from scratch. I've been able to figure out how to set up the basic menus with all the videos, wheel art, etc (fairly straight forward). I'm at the point where I need to set up the emulators. This is where I'm at now, part way up the steep learning curve of terminal commands and what they do. I know a few basic commands from setting up the pi, but still have a lot to learn.

I'm definitely open to suggestions on other emulation programs to try. I just wanted to get attract mode working before I started something else.

OK, now back to my issue :)

I tried running retroarch from the command line using the code you posted. IT WORKED!   :) :D ;D Thank you very much!

Now all I need to do is enter the info into Attract Mode either sometime tonight or tomorrow.

My next question is how do I run a game/emulator that needs a BIOS? I'll assume that I will need to add a line with the path to the BIOS?

Thank you for the help and advice, I really appreciate it.


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Re: Issues with Emulator Set-Up in Lubuntu
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2017, 08:11:48 AM »
Ok I understand..Yeah I kinda figured that after reading back through your op. Again you don't need retropie anything on your PC..but it would make it easier I'm sure. I never could get it to compile/install right for me for some reason...

On a raw build without Retropie here is what you can run:

You can run Retroarch of course and no you you don't need retropie. Some emulators might work better than retroarch or retroarch might work better than some emulators. I can run all my systems without retroarch..however I do like retroarch so I have it....mostly for 3DO because the only emulator I have found for linux that is active for that system is in Russian..which I don't speak. And Retro arch actually uses a lot of the emulators on that list anyway..and they maintain them.

You do know you can run Playstation (PSX) on the raspberry pi works VERY well.

As for your bioses...that depends on the path that is set in retroarch. But if it is a retropie "image" there should be a folder maked "BIOS" just like the pi. Here's how to look:

1. Load retroarch without a game ()this should get you to the retorarch gui)
2. Go to settings...then directories

Look at the path that is there...that is where you put the bioses. If it says "content directory" then that means retroarch will will look in the Rom directory that you start your game from. (Example: You want to load a psx game you have your psx isos in a folder named $home/psx/games Then your bios would have to be in that folder) I would make a folder for your bioses and keep them in one folder..then set that folder as your bios folder..easier to maintain. Just go to the option in retroarch like I said above and then navigate to the folder..and select "use this folder". It should save it..look at the new path before you quit to make sure.
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