Where do the config files you create in Attract Mode emulator config screen get stored? I've looked at /home/pi/.attract/emulators. Although there are emu config files in there(probably preinstalled on the image I downloaded) , any new emulator you might add does not appear in
that folder. I've just added the pcengine emu with success but the config file doesn't get stored in that directory. Akafox has been helping with a related problem regarding the Sega CD emu which doesn't work. Not only that but every I time I delete it and reinstall it .....it creates another system wheel art....so far I have 4 SEGA CD entries on the system wheel..could someone tell me where these files are stored. Obviously when I delete the emu ,some part of the config remains...thus the 4 system wheel entries. FYI....the image can be found on ETA PRIME site..."Kevins 64g Attract mode image."...also my roms and art are on a external usb drive.