Here is the Layout (Part 2)
// default background image (if background art is not enabled) ------------- START
if ( my_config["enable_static_bkg"] == "blue")
local bg = fe.add_image( "background_blue.png", 0, 0, flw, flh );
if ( my_config["enable_static_bkg"] == "black")
local bg = fe.add_image( "background_black.png", 0, 0, flw, flh );
if ( my_config["enable_static_bkg"] == "none")
local bg = fe.add_image( "", 0, 0, flw, flh );
// default background image (if background art is not enabled) ------------- END
// background art --------------------------------------------------------- START
if ( my_config["enable_bg_art"] == "flyer")
local bgart = fe.add_artwork( "flyer", flw*0.2, flw*0, flw*0.6, 0);
bgart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local mask = fe.add_image( "mask_edges.png", 0 , 0, mask_factor*flh, flh ); //gradient to mask left and right edge of the flyer 1.6 for 4:3 and 16:10 1.9 for 16:9
mask.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
if ( my_config["enable_bg_art"] == "fanart")
local bgart = FadeArt( "fanart", 0, 0, 0, flh);
bgart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local mask = fe.add_image( "mask_edges.png", 0 , 0, mask_factor*flh, flh ); //gradient to mask left and right edge of the flyer
mask.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
//mask.alpha = 255;
if ( my_config["enable_bg_art"] == "snap")
local bgart = fe.add_artwork( "snap", flx-flh*1.34, 0, flh*1.34, 0);
bgart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
if ( my_config["enable_bg_art"] == "video")
local bgart = fe.add_artwork( "snap", flx-flh*1.34, 0, flh*1.34, 0);
bgart.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
bgart.video_flags = videoSound;
// background art --------------------------------------------------------- END
//masking background (adding scanlines and vignette) -------------------- START
if ( my_config["enable_mask"] == "none" )
local masking = fe.add_image( "", 0, 0, flw, 0 );
if ( my_config["enable_mask"] == "medium" )
local masking = fe.add_image( "background_mask.png", 0, 0, flx, fly );
masking.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
masking.alpha = 150; // here you can change mask opacity light=100, medium=150, dark (default)=255
local maskingMedium = fe.add_image( "background_mask_medium.png", 0, 0, flx, fly );
maskingMedium.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
if ( my_config["enable_mask"] == "dark" )
local masking = fe.add_image( "background_mask.png", 0, 0, flx,fly); //for 4:3 fix 1.6*fly
masking.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
masking.alpha = 255; // here you can change mask opacity light=100, medium=150, dark (default)=255
//masking background (adding scanlines and vignette) -------------------- END
//static tv effect on cab screen snap change (of if no snap at all) ------------- START
local tvStatic = fe.add_image( "static.jpg", blip*0.0984, blip*0.24, blip*0.405, blip*0.3536);
tvStatic.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewX");
tvStatic.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewY");
tvStatic.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchX");
tvStatic.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchY");
tvStatic.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_rotation");
//snap (video or screenshot) on cab screen ------------- START
local cabScreen = fe.add_artwork ("snap", blip*0.0984, blip*0.24, blip*0.405, blip*0.3536);
cabScreen.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewX");
cabScreen.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewY");
cabScreen.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchX");
cabScreen.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchY");
cabScreen.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_rotation");
cabScreen.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
cabScreen.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
cabScreen.video_flags = videoSound;
if ( my_config["cabScreenType"] == "screenshot" )
//scanlines over cab screen --------------------------- START
if ( my_config["enable_scanlines"] == "light" )
local scanlines = fe.add_image( "scanlines.png", blip*0.0984, blip*0.24, blip*0.405, blip*0.3536 );
scanlines.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewX");
scanlines.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewY");
scanlines.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchX");
scanlines.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchY");
scanlines.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_rotation");
scanlines.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
scanlines.alpha = 50;
if ( my_config["enable_scanlines"] == "medium" )
local scanlines = fe.add_image( "scanlines.png", blip*0.0984, blip*0.24, blip*0.405, blip*0.3536 );
scanlines.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewX");
scanlines.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewY");
scanlines.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchX");
scanlines.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchY");
scanlines.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_rotation");
scanlines.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
scanlines.alpha = 150;
if ( my_config["enable_scanlines"] == "dark" )
local scanlines = fe.add_image( "scanlines.png", blip*0.0984, blip*0.24, blip*0.405, blip*0.3536 );
scanlines.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewX");
scanlines.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_skewY");
scanlines.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchX");
scanlines.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_pinchY");
scanlines.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "snap_rotation");
scanlines.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
scanlines.alpha = 200;
//scanlines over cab screen --------------------------- END
//marquee ------------------------------------------ START
if ( my_config["marquee_type"] == "marquee" )
local marqueeBkg = fe.add_image("black.png", blip*0.1032, blip*0.0763, blip*0.3984, blip*0.1349 );
marqueeBkg.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewX");
marqueeBkg.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewY");
marqueeBkg.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchX");
marqueeBkg.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchY");
marqueeBkg.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_rotation");
marqueeBkg.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
marqueeBkg.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
local marquee = FadeArt("marquee", blip*0.1032, blip*0.0763, blip*0.3984, blip*0.1349 );
marquee.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewX");
marquee.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewY");
marquee.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchX");
marquee.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchY");
marquee.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_rotation");
marquee.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
marquee.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
//marquee ------------------------------------------ END
//marquee (with emulator name) ---------------------- START
if ( my_config["marquee_type"] == "emulator-name" )
local emuMarquee = fe.add_image("[Emulator]" + "-marquee.jpg", blip*0.1032, blip*0.0763, blip*0.3984, blip*0.1349 );
emuMarquee.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewX");
emuMarquee.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewY");
emuMarquee.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchX");
emuMarquee.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchY");
emuMarquee.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_rotation");
emuMarquee.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
emuMarquee.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
//marquee (my own image) ----------------------------- START
if ( my_config["marquee_type"] == "my-own" )
local myOwnMarquee = fe.add_image("my-own-marquee.jpg", blip*0.1032, blip*0.0763, blip*0.3984, blip*0.1349 );
myOwnMarquee.skew_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewX");
myOwnMarquee.skew_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_skewY");
myOwnMarquee.pinch_x = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchX");
myOwnMarquee.pinch_y = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_pinchY");
myOwnMarquee.rotation = Setting("aspectDepend", "marquee_rotation");
myOwnMarquee.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
myOwnMarquee.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
//cabinet image -------------------------------------- START
local cab = fe.add_image( "cab_body.png", 0, 0, blip*0.992, blip*1.008);
cab.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
//LCD display text under cab screen ------------------------------------------------ START
local lcdLeftText = fe.add_text( "PLAYED: " + "[PlayedCount]", blip*0.1536, blip*0.6208, blip*0.48, blip*0.04 ); // here you can change what is displayed on left side
lcdLeftText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdLeftText.align = Align.Left;
lcdLeftText.rotation = -6.5;
lcdLeftText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
if ( my_config["lcdRight"] == "filter" )
local lcdRightText = fe.add_text( "[FilterName]", blip*0.1584, blip*0.6208, blip*0.4, blip*0.04 );
lcdRightText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdRightText.align = Align.Right;
lcdRightText.rotation = -6.6;
lcdRightText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
if ( my_config["lcdRight"] == "rom-filename" )
local lcdRightText = fe.add_text( "[Name]", blip*0.1584, blip*0.6208, blip*0.4, blip*0.04 );
lcdRightText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdRightText.align = Align.Right;
lcdRightText.rotation = -6.6;
lcdRightText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
if ( my_config["lcdRight"] == "display-name" )
local lcdRightText = fe.add_text( "[DisplayName]", blip*0.1584, blip*0.6208, blip*0.4, blip*0.04 );
lcdRightText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdRightText.align = Align.Right;
lcdRightText.rotation = -6.6;
lcdRightText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
if ( my_config["lcdRight"] == "emulator" )
local lcdRightText = fe.add_text( "[Emulator]", blip*0.1584, blip*0.6208, blip*0.4, blip*0.04 );
lcdRightText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdRightText.align = Align.Right;
lcdRightText.rotation = -6.6;
lcdRightText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
if ( my_config["lcdRight"] == "off" )
local lcdRightText = fe.add_text( my_config["lcdRightText"], blip*0.1584, blip*0.6208, blip*0.4, blip*0.04 );
lcdRightText.set_rgb( 59, 45, 3 );
lcdRightText.align = Align.Right;
lcdRightText.rotation = -6.6;
lcdRightText.font="digital-7 (italic)"; // free font (for personal use) - can be downloaded here:
//LCD display text --------------------------------------------------------- END
// SpinWheel -------------------------- START - this part is slightly modified code from omegaman's ROBOSPIN theme
fe.load_module( "conveyor" );
local wheel_x = [ flx*0.87, flx*0.79, flx*0.765, flx*0.745, flx*0.73, flx*0.72, flx*0.67, flx*0.72, flx*0.73, flx*0.745, flx*0.765, flx*0.79, ];
local wheel_y = [ -fly*0.22, -fly*0.105, fly*0.0, fly*0.105, fly*0.215, fly*0.325, fly*0.436, fly*0.61, fly*0.72 fly*0.83, fly*0.935, fly*0.99, ];
local wheel_w = [ flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.28, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, flw*0.18, ];
local wheel_a = [ 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 255, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, ];
local wheel_h = [ flw*0.07, flw*0.07, flw*0.07, flw*0.08, flw*0.08, flw*0.08, flw*0.11, flw*0.07, flw*0.07, flw*0.07, flw*0.07, flw*0.07, ];
//local wheel_r = [ 31, 26, 21, 16, 11, 6, 0, -11, -16, -21, -26, -31, ];
local wheel_r = [ 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, ];
local num_arts = Setting("aspectDepend", "wheelNumElements"); // number of elements in wheel - depending on screen aspect ratio
class WheelEntry extends ConveyorSlot
base.constructor( ::fe.add_artwork( my_config["spinwheelArt"] ) );
preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
video_flags=Vid.ImagesOnly; // added just in case if you have video marquees - like I do :)
function on_progress( progress, var )
local p = progress / 0.1;
local slot = p.tointeger();
p -= slot;
if ( slot < 0 ) slot=0;
if ( slot >=10 ) slot=10;
m_obj.x = wheel_x[slot] + p * ( wheel_x[slot+1] - wheel_x[slot] );
m_obj.y = wheel_y[slot] + p * ( wheel_y[slot+1] - wheel_y[slot] );
m_obj.width = wheel_w[slot] + p * ( wheel_w[slot+1] - wheel_w[slot] );
m_obj.height = wheel_h[slot] + p * ( wheel_h[slot+1] - wheel_h[slot] );
m_obj.rotation = wheel_r[slot] + p * ( wheel_r[slot+1] - wheel_r[slot] );
m_obj.alpha = wheel_a[slot] + p * ( wheel_a[slot+1] - wheel_a[slot] );
local wheel_entries = [];
for ( local i=0; i<num_arts/2; i++ )
wheel_entries.push( WheelEntry() );
local remaining = num_arts - wheel_entries.len();
// we do it this way so that the last wheelentry created is the middle one showing the current
// selection (putting it at the top of the draw order)
for ( local i=0; i<remaining; i++ )
wheel_entries.insert( num_arts/2, WheelEntry() );
local conveyor = Conveyor();
conveyor.set_slots( wheel_entries );
conveyor.transition_ms = 50;
try { conveyor.transition_ms = my_config["transition_ms"].tointeger(); } catch ( e ) { }