After updating to the latest attract mode, I lost all my menu items. (latest retropie 4.4.4 and raspbian stretch)
Attract-Mode v2.5.1 (Linux, SFML 2.4.2 +FontConfig +GLES +SWF +7z +Curl)
avcodec 58.41.100 / avformat 58.23.102 / swscale 5.4.100 / avutil 56.24.101 / swresample 3.4.100
Shaders are not available.
I get the following message when I run attract:
Unrecognized "plugin" setting of "romlist" in file: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg. Valid settings are: enabled, param
Unrecognized "plugin" setting of "layout" in file: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg. Valid settings are: enabled, param
Unrecognized "plugin" setting of "romlist" in file: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg. Valid settings are: enabled, param
Config: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg
*** Initializing display: 'RetroPie'
- Loaded master romlist 'RetroPie' in 0 ms (13 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (13 comparisons)
- Loaded layout: /usr/local/share/attract/layouts/Basic/ (layout.nut)
And in Attract Mode menu I only have the following items:
-> Display Mode:
-> Setup
-> Retropie
-> Exit
Pressing tab is not taking me to any menu to add emulators...