Looks great. Love all the information...
Thank you, Aim was to keep all required info at one place.
Waooo, is awesome. I cant wait for try.
looks great can't wait for this to download for my setup
Thanks! The author of platform set has been offline for a while, once he comes back online I'll request him to let me share Nostalgic set (with some alterations). I have no idea if his work is published under creative commons license or not.
Great work! The games list screen is a little too 'busy' for my taste with way too much to look at, and could definitely have some elements reduced/simplified. But overall, this is very nice!
Thanks, The gamelist definitely is too busy
as I wanted everything in one place. Once I figure out the coding I am thinking of making another tab [Details] placed besides
[Overview] and move some of the stuff there. I am also thinking that Flyer + Snap (which starts a video after some ms) might be the optimal way to showcase artwork but that would require very particular set of videos, made with this application in mind.