Are there any themes that would scale well (with minimal kludging) to a square display area (1080 x 1080 or 2160 x 2160)?
Weird question, I know... I explain why below if anybody wonders...
I am contemplating ditching my CRT... Maybe...
I know, it's heresy. But CRT shaders have become so good without being overtaxing (check out new Guest Dr Venom CRT shader in Retroarch, for example). Plus, I wouldn't have to commit to only horizontal or only TATE mode games (or displaying TATE games on horizontal CRT which requires fiddling with analog screen height knob). I could even run vector games and they would look good. I would reduce the weight of my cabinet by over 50 lbs., reduce power consumption, and I'm not an electrical engineer so keeping my CRT running isn't exactly in my wheelhouse.
I have figured out a 43" flatscreen would fit lengthwise in my cabinet at the same angle the CRT is currently mounted, but only a square portion of the screen would be visible. The rest would be hidden from view in the cabinet below and behind the marquee and speakers. (See my scribbled diagram attached...)
This way I could display games in 4:3 or 3:4 aspect centered within the visible square portion of the screen without physically rotating a screen.
If I went with 1080p, I would have a 1080 x 720 screen for games within a 1080 x 1080 visible area.
If I went with 2160p, I would have a 2160 x 1440 screen for games within a 2160 x 2160 visible area.
I have a 4K computer monitor, and I don't see much marginal improvement using CRT shaders in 4K over 1080p.