Author Topic: Help creating filters, specifically catver.ini help  (Read 4134 times)


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Help creating filters, specifically catver.ini help
« on: July 26, 2019, 10:32:46 AM »
I'm having trouble creating filters because when I search through the forum on how to get filters to work I can't find any detailed answers. I understand I need catver.ini. I understand filter rules. I understand that when I create an emulator I link to the catver.ini file.

I don't understand where catver.ini needs to be in my attract mode folder. I entered the path in emulators, but when I try to filter a CATEGORY (lighgun, trackball, driving, etc.) it doesn't work.

- Where do I put catver.ini?
- How do I link it (i guess is the way to say it) to my roms lists?
- Any additional info I didn't mention

Thank you


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Re: Help creating filters, specifically catver.ini help
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2019, 11:03:33 AM »
catver.ini is MAME specific atm and imports genre/ category of roms. To use it:

1- start AM and go to settings
2- Open "Emulators" and select the emulator for MAME (lets say its also called MAME).
3- Go to "Additional Import Files" and manually put in the absolute (complete) path to catver.ini (you can put the file anywhere).
4- Now generate the gamelist, AM might warn you about overwriting but you'll need to regenerate the list to import values from catver.ini.
5- Filters in AM are extremely useful and customizable. In your case you can create a basic filter by going to Settings > Displays > MAME (or whatever you named it) > Add new Filter: Add Rule (Select Category) , Comparison (Select Contains), Filter Value (Select Any Category/ Genre derived from catver.ini). If Filter works you can delete this filter and make a more suitable one. 


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Re: Help creating filters, specifically catver.ini help
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2019, 11:16:10 AM »

I'm not working with catver.ini, because catver.ini is not necessary for filters.

Just use and edit your romlist manually.

As an example to my OpenBOR display (in my case : C:\attract\romlists\OpenBOR.txt ), i want to filter games by category 'test'.
Code: [Select]
Night Slashers X;Night Slashers X;OpenBOR;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Start AM > press TAB key > Controls > Set a button for 'Next Filter'

Start AM > press TAB key > Displays > choose your emulator display (in my case : OpenBOR ) > Add Filter >
name your filter (in my case : display_all_test_games ) > Target : Category > Comparison : eqals > Filter Value : test

Goto romlist (where you can starts the games) > press your definied 'Next Filter' button. AM shows the 'Favourite Games'-standard filter. If you don't have set a game as a favourite, you will see an empty romlist. If you have chosen/set a game as favorite, you will see your favorites.

If you press 'Next Filter' again, you get to next filter.
In my case : display_all_test_games (GoldenAxeLegends and HE-MAN)
AM Version : 2.6.1
Input : Mad Catz Brawlstick; Mouse; Keyboard; Xbox360 Wireless
Cabinet : Yes
OS : Windows10 Pro
System : Dell Precision T3500 ; Intel X5650 ; 12GB RAM