Wasn't trying to be harsh
Your problem with retroarch not working could be that you are trying to load the wrong set perhaps but I would seek the help directly from that community regarding this issue.
To give you a concept of the simplicity of the design of Attract Mode.
Systems (this can be a emulator, another front end or even just a program... i.e. you could launch a windows 10 game)
These are separate files that you create and name, they contain the settings for where AM should look for the artworks, the xml file lists and scrapper info etc
Directory Path: attract\emulators (example C:\emu\attract\emulators\a2600.cfg for Atari 2600 I could have easily called this file atari-2600.cfg but I chose to keep it the short name)
LayoutsEach system you switch to can borrow on a layout (a theme) to provide you with a way to view your collection/sets
Each theme will have a main nut file (probably called layout.nut) and perhaps some other assets if they are included with the theme.
Directory Path: attract\layouts (example C:\emu\attract\layouts\hello-megadrive\)
RomlistsThis is a directory of ROMs. You need to provide your legally owned or freeware/shareware ROMs in here and keep them organised by system. Your artwork should be ideally stored within each system but the folder structure is entirely up to you.
Directory Path: attract\romlists (example C:\emu\attract\romlists\md, C:\emu\attract\romlists\md\carts, C:\emu\attract\romlists\md\box etc)
It may be useful to just get 1 system working first as the settings for each are probably going to be very similar. I don't bother using AM to build my cfg files anymore as I find just closing AM and going into a txt editor is far easier. If you open AM with console mode you should see any problems that it spits out so you can trace the issue.
I'd also recommend you take a backup copy of
attract.cfg in case you upset key assignments
This is just the basics to get started, there's plugins, filters and a whole host of cool features with AM but I wouldn't overload yourself until you've setup your first system, tried a couple of themes and your happy with the config experience.
Exmaple of what md.cfg might look like# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.0
executable C:\emu\Mame\mame64.exe
args megadrive -cart "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis
romext .zip;.gen;.bin
system genesis
info_source listsoftware+thegamesdb.net
artwork box C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\box\2d-front
artwork cart C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\cart\2d-front
artwork flyer C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\flyer
artwork logo C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\wheel
artwork snap C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\snap\video;C:\emu\attract\romlists\genesis\snap\shot
Hope this helps