I am on Windows and using the retroarch cores for MAME 2003+ and Final Nurn Neo and all works fine...
I want all controlls on my joypad so I set Hotkeys in AttractMode - to exit the RetroarchCores - to Select+Start and it works fine...except it won't save the High-Score - old scores get loaded...
(You can set Hotkeys Select+Start in Retroarch and High-Scores will be saved but it blocks the coin input(also Select) in several games so this is not an option)
When I exit with the Escape-Key which is a Retroarch command to exit emulation - the High-Score would be saved...
You can also quick call the retroarch-menu via controller and end the game and use AM-Hotkeys to quick go back to the AM-Menu and the HighScore is saved also...
One advantage of taking an extra step ito get the High-Score saved is...when a friend comes over....who is to good at a game...ooops...forgot something
Maybe emulate pressing the ESC key...
Is there a simple solution to this...