I think with fs-uae floppy disks are better than every other method (hard disk , cd etc) in some or probably most games. It is slower only the 1st time you try a game, and lightning faster every other time if you do this :
Lets say we try a game for example : Barbarian. Loading from floppy. We setup this in fs-uae launcher, run it, it will load the floppy much slower, see some loading screens etc. We select to start 1 player game, it starts. We press F12 and save state.
In the configuration folder (in my settings is
There fs-uae created the file
We open it in notepad and see his:
# FS-UAE configuration saved by FS-UAE Launcher
# Last saved: 2020-01-19 16:14:43
floppy_drive_0 = D:/sosimple/Portaible/MAME/Amiga/Games/Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior (1987)(Palace)[cr Pulsar].adf
joystick_port_1 = USB Gamepad
kickstart_file = D:/sosimple/Portaible/MAME/Amiga/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV).rom
If we add at the end:
load_state = 1
Then next time we select barbarian from attract mode list of games, it bypass everything and go to game imediatelly. No login screens , no loading, dont even have to press the button to start the game. We already playing..
It auto load the 1st save we have done.
We can do this for every game. Perhaps it is even easier, i read somewhere if we create a default.fs-uae file or something, and set it there, it does it for every game if there is a save state, but havent try this yet.
I still haven't find a way to exit fs-uae emulator by a button in gamepad to return in attractmode. (It does it by F12+Q or ALT+Q). I registered in fs-uae forum to ask there. If i found a solution i will post it also here. I use atractmode in a tablet. I dont always have keyboard connected when i play so it is important for me to go back in attractmode without keyboard...
I have created autoit script to do that, but doesn't work stable..
Edit. I resolve the 2nd problem i had. In the above example , when I add to the configuration file load_state = 1 , I also add:
joystick_0_button_8 = action_quit
and the button i want on the gamepad i use quit fs-uae emulator and go back to attract mode as i wanted.. You can do the same eg with keyboard escape key in similar way.
***** All problems solved..