Ok I think I understand now. You are wanting to use rom lister to build a lit for AM. I would like to do the same thing. Maybe the support will be added for AM one day

I used mala a long time ago and I remeber that you could use a "mame list.xml" You could use the mame.exe to spit out a regular mame gamelist.xml...then toss that at romlister add extra info if you wanted...make a custom xml then toss that at mala and it would use it NOT the mame.xml. Yes, it was great.
So hey raygun...is there a way you can allow AM to use a custom xml list? 
To import romlist:
Place system xml files like mame.xml in attract folder or setpath
run cmd prompt
cd to the attract DIR
run attract -i mame.xml emulator. So, if you created a mame displayname you would run attract -i mame.xml mame.
ok so you can use a custom xml? Hmmmm... ok..I'll try that..
...so if attract mode finds a xml list in the folder it will use it? or do you add it a path in the cfg? ..like you do you catver.ini
ok got it..I had to read the cmd output

it will name it (staying with the mame example) mame1.txt. So I renamed the mame.txt (my original list) to mame.txt.bak and renamed the mame1.txt to mame.txt came up just fine. Would be nice to have a native output for AM though..but hey this works just like you said!