Hello i'm trying to run my PSX games through a .bat file.
The only reason why i want to to run it through .bat file is because i can open 2 programs simultaneously or together, in this case both ePSXE and Antimicro.
I have configured Antimicro so i can save state and load state using my controller.
This is the code i wrote:
start /d "C:\AttractMode\emulators\Playstation\antimicro" antimicro.exe
start /WAIT /d "C:\AttractMode\emulators\Playstation" ePSXe.exe -nogui -loadbin "[romfilename]"
Taskkill /IM Antimicro.exe /F
When i try to launch a game in Attract Mode, both Antimicro and ePSXe launches just fine, BUT i only get a black screen in ePSXe and nothing more. I don't think it loads the game correctly somehow.
I dont think "[romfilename]" work unless we remove the "[romfilename]" and specify it with a game. But if I do that, all the game that I choose will play that specific game...
Does someone know how i can fix this problem?
Or if there is an easier way for Antimicro to open whenever i launch a PSX game?