Author Topic: SCUMMVM : How to setup & change Game ID to proper Full Title / correct Game Name  (Read 82236 times)


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This guide is quick & dirty and for windows-systems only:

ScummVM is an emulator system for many point & click-adventures (like Monkey Island of LucasArts) and it's possible to including them in AM.
SCUMM : Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion. ScummVM offers a lot of free games 

ScummVM is a little bit tricky to use, because it's not possible to start ScummVM-games the common way like another emulator systems.
Usually you start an emulator with romfile immediately this way:
path_to_emulator\emulator.exe -parameters rompath\romfile.romfile-extension
(e.g. C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe -m "C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\roms\game123abc.smc" )

AM offers a complete configuration of ScummVM already.
Have a look at your C:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt. It looks like this:

executable           C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe
args                 -f -p [rompath][name] [name]
rompath              C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\

-f : switch to fullscreen
-p : path to installed game
[name] : name of game-folder under C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\
[name] : name of game-folder under C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\

e.g. you've downloaded the french version of game 'Lure of the Temptress' from and unzipped to your scummvm-rom-folder.
There's now a folder called : lure-fr

If you starts scummvm.exe with the desribed parameters above:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\lure-fr lure-fr

It stops with an error message: Unrecognized game target 'lure-fr'

But why?
The second [name] parameter causes the problem, because ScummVM works with own Game IDs (and not true name of gamefolder).

To identify the correct Game ID of your game, use this in a cmd window:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -z
or a complete list of GameIDs here

In this snippet of overview you see, that the Game Title 'Lure of the Temptress' got the GameID 'lure'
dreamweb = Dreamweb
queen = Flight of the Amazon Queen
sword1 = Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
and so on

There are two ways to solve this problem:

1) Rename folder lure-fr to correct GameID lure

In cmd window test it:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\lure lure

Game starts. That's ok.

If you generate a romlist in AM, you'll get the GameID as Game Name. Don't look so good.
If you scrape artworks, cover and so on, you'll don't get them complete (Dreamweb works; many another games leaves empty)


2) Rename folder to Full Title (Lure of the Temptress) and use Game ID (lure)

In cmd window:
C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\scummvm.exe -f -p "C:\attract\EMU\scummvm\roms\Lure of the Temptress" lure

Game starts. That's ok.

In AM you can't generate a correct romlist, because of the the two [name] parameters of gamefolder and you are not able to setup the correct Game ID to gamefolder as parameter

This won't work in scumm-vm.txt:
Lure of the Temptress;Lure of the Temptress;scumm-vm;;;;;;;;;;;;;

You've to edit the second row in scumm-vm.txt and then it works:
lure;Lure of the Temptress;scumm-vm;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Now you are able to scrape artworks, covers and so on too.

You have to change the Title manually by hand. Next time you update your Romlist, all changes are lost. So you have to change the Title again.

I offer you my workaround:

Download latest version of ScummVM

install / unzip scummvm (like this):

copy your games to your rom location (like this):

Rename all your gamefolders to scummvm Game ID (e.g. rename the gamefolder of Lure of the Temptress to lure )
A complete list of GameIDs here

starts AM. Generate Romlist

exit AM

generate a .vbs-file with this code (e.g. C:\AM_scummvm_name-editor.vbs ), change the path to your scumm-vm.txt as SOURCE AND TARGET and execute it

Code: [Select]
SOURCE = "c:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt"
TARGET = "c:\attract\romlists\scumm-vm.txt"
ROW = 2
Delim = ";"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
T = Split(fso.OpenTextFile(SOURCE).ReadAll, vbNewline)

For i = 0 To UBound(T)
    If Trim(T(i)) <> "" Then
        Z = Split(T(i), Delim)
        GAME_ID = Z(ROW - 1)

        Select Case GAME_ID
Case "activity"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack"
Case "agi-fanmade"
    GAME_ID = "Fanmade Games"
Case "airport"
    GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy"
Case "arthur"
    GAME_ID = "Arthur's Teacher Trouble"
Case "arthurbday"
    GAME_ID = "Arthur's Birthday"
Case "arttime"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's Art Time Activities"
Case "atlantis"
    GAME_ID = "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis"
Case "balloon"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama"
Case "bambou"
    GAME_ID = "Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle"
Case "bargon"
    GAME_ID = "Bargon Attack"
Case "baseball"
    GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball"
Case "baseball2001"
    GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball 2001"
Case "baseball2003"
    GAME_ID = "Backyard Baseball 2003"
Case "bc"
    GAME_ID = "The Black Cauldron"
Case "beardark"
    GAME_ID = "The Berenstain Bears in the Dark"
Case "bearfight"
    GAME_ID = "The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight"
Case "blueforce"
    GAME_ID = "Blue Force"
Case "Blues123Time"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's 123 Time Activities"
Case "BluesABCTime"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's ABC Time Activities"
Case "BluesBirthday"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's Birthday Adventure"
Case "BluesTreasureHunt"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's Treasure Hunt"
Case "brstorm"
    GAME_ID = "Bear Stormin'"
Case "camelot"
    GAME_ID = "Conquests of Camelot"
Case "castlebrain"
    GAME_ID = "Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA)"
Case "chase"
    GAME_ID = "SPY Fox in Cheese Chase"
Case "chivalry"
    GAME_ID = "Chivalry is Not Dead"
Case "comi"
    GAME_ID = "The Curse of Monkey Island"
Case "cruise"
    GAME_ID = "Cruise for a Corpse"
Case "darby"
    GAME_ID = "Darby the Dragon"
Case "dig"
    GAME_ID = "The Dig"
Case "dimp"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - D.I.M.P."
Case "dog"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick"
Case "draci"
    GAME_ID = "Dragon History"
Case "drascula"
    GAME_ID = "Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back"
Case "dreamweb"
    GAME_ID = "DreamWeb"
Case "dw"
    GAME_ID = "Discworld"
Case "dw2"
    GAME_ID = "Discworld II - Missing presumed...!?"
Case "ecoquest"
    GAME_ID = "EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus"
Case "ecoquest2"
    GAME_ID = "EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest"
Case "elvira1"
    GAME_ID = "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark"
Case "elvira2"
    GAME_ID = "Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus"
Case "eob"
    GAME_ID = "Eye of the Beholder"
Case "eob2"
    GAME_ID = "Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon"
Case "fairytales"
    GAME_ID = "Mixed-up Fairy Tales"
Case "farm"
    GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy"
Case "fascination"
    GAME_ID = "Fascination"
Case "fbear"
    GAME_ID = "Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise"
Case "fbpack"
    GAME_ID = "Fatty Bear's Fun Pack"
Case "feeble"
    GAME_ID = "The Feeble Files"
Case "football"
    GAME_ID = "Backyard Football"
Case "football2002"
    GAME_ID = "Backyard Football 2002"
Case "freddi"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds"
Case "freddi2"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse"
Case "freddi3"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell"
Case "freddi4"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch"
Case "freddicove"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove"
Case "freddypharkas"
    GAME_ID = "Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist"
Case "ft"
    GAME_ID = "Full Throttle"
Case "funpack"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt's Fun Pack"
Case "fw"
    GAME_ID = "Future Wars"
Case "geisha"
    GAME_ID = "Geisha"
Case "gob1"
    GAME_ID = "Gobliiins"
Case "gob2"
    GAME_ID = "Gobliins 2"
Case "gob3"
    GAME_ID = "Goblins 3"
Case "goldrush"
    GAME_ID = "Gold Rush!"
Case "grandma"
    GAME_ID = "Just Grandma and Me"
Case "greeneggs"
    GAME_ID = "Green Eggs and Ham"
Case "gregory"
    GAME_ID = "Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon"
Case "harryhh"
    GAME_ID = "Harry and the Haunted House"
Case "hopkins"
    GAME_ID = "Hopkins FBI"
Case "hoyle1"
    GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 1"
Case "hoyle2"
    GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 2"
Case "hoyle3"
    GAME_ID = "Hoyle's Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "hoyle4"
    GAME_ID = "Hoyle Classic Card Games"
Case "hugo1"
    GAME_ID = "Hugo's House of Horrors"
Case "hugo2"
    GAME_ID = "Hugo 2: Whodunit?"
Case "hugo3"
    GAME_ID = "Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom"
Case "iceman"
    GAME_ID = "Codename: ICEMAN"
Case "ihnm"
    GAME_ID = "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"
Case "indy3"
    GAME_ID = "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
Case "islandbrain"
    GAME_ID = "The Island of Dr. Brain"
Case "ite"
    GAME_ID = "Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb"
Case "jones"
    GAME_ID = "Jones in the Fast Lane"
Case "jumble"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Jumble"
Case "jungle"
    GAME_ID = "Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy"
Case "kq1"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest I"
Case "kq1sci"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest I (SCI remake)"
Case "kq2"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest II"
Case "kq3"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest III"
Case "kq4"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest IV"
Case "kq4sci"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest IV (SCI version)"
Case "kq5"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest V (EGA and VGA)"
Case "kq6"
    GAME_ID = "King's Quest VI (low and hi res)"
Case "kyra1"
    GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia"
Case "kyra2"
    GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate"
Case "kyra3"
    GAME_ID = "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge"
Case "laurabow"
    GAME_ID = "Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest"
Case "laurabow2"
    GAME_ID = "Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra"
Case "lgop2"
    GAME_ID = "Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2"
Case "liam"
    GAME_ID = "Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story"
Case "lilmonster"
    GAME_ID = "Little Monster at School"
Case "littlered"
    GAME_ID = "Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood"
Case "lol"
    GAME_ID = "Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos"
Case "longbow"
    GAME_ID = "Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA)"
Case "loom"
    GAME_ID = "Loom"
Case "lost"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam's Lost & Found"
Case "lostintime"
    GAME_ID = "Lost in Time"
Case "lsl1"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
Case "lsl1sci"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Case "lsl2"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 2"
Case "lsl3"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 3"
Case "lsl5"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "lsl6"
    GAME_ID = "Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res)"
Case "lure"
    GAME_ID = "Lure of the Temptress"
Case "manhole"
    GAME_ID = "The Manhole"
Case "maniac"
    GAME_ID = "Maniac Mansion"
Case "maze"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness"
Case "mh1"
    GAME_ID = "Manhunter 1: New York"
Case "mh2"
    GAME_ID = "Manhunter 2: San Francisco"
Case "mickey"
    GAME_ID = "Mickey's Space Adventure"
Case "mixedup"
    GAME_ID = "Mixed-Up Mother Goose"
Case "monkey"
    GAME_ID = "The Secret of Monkey Island"
Case "monkey2"
    GAME_ID = "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge"
Case "mortevielle"
    GAME_ID = "Mortville Manor"
Case "mothergoose"
    GAME_ID = "Mixed-up Mother Goose"
Case "mustard"
    GAME_ID = "SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard"
Case "nebular"
    GAME_ID = "Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender"
Case "neverhood"
    GAME_ID = "The Neverhood"
Case "newkid"
    GAME_ID = "The New Kid on the Block"
Case "nippon"
    GAME_ID = "Nippon Safes Inc."
Case "pajama"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside"
Case "pajama2"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening"
Case "pajama3"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet"
Case "pass"
    GAME_ID = "Passport to Adventure"
Case "pegasus"
    GAME_ID = "The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime"
Case "pepper"
    GAME_ID = "Pepper's Adventures in Time"
Case "pjgames"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day"
Case "pn"
    GAME_ID = "Personal Nightmare"
Case "pq1"
    GAME_ID = "Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel"
Case "pq1sci"
    GAME_ID = "Police Quest 1 (SCI remake)"
Case "pq2"
    GAME_ID = "Police Quest 2"
Case "pq3"
    GAME_ID = "Police Quest 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Case "princess"
    GAME_ID = "The Princess and the Crab"
Case "puttcircus"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Joins the Circus"
Case "puttmoon"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon"
Case "puttputt"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Joins the Parade"
Case "puttrace"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Enters the Race"
Case "putttime"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Travels Through Time"
Case "puttzoo"
    GAME_ID = "Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo"
Case "puzzle"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - NoPatience"
Case "qfg1"
    GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 1/Hero's Quest"
Case "qfg1vga"
    GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 1 VGA remake"
Case "qfg2"
    GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 2"
Case "qfg3"
    GAME_ID = "Quest for Glory 3"
Case "queen"
    GAME_ID = "Flight of the Amazon Queen"
Case "readtime"
    GAME_ID = "Blue's Reading Time Activities"
Case "ringworld"
    GAME_ID = "Ringworld: Revenge Of The Patriarch"
Case "ringworld2"
    GAME_ID = "Return to Ringworld"
Case "rodney"
    GAME_ID = "Rodney's Funscreen"
Case "rtz"
    GAME_ID = "Return to Zork"
Case "ruff"
    GAME_ID = "Ruff's Bone"
Case "samnmax"
    GAME_ID = "Sam & Max Hit the Road"
Case "seussabc"
    GAME_ID = "Dr. Seuss's ABC"
Case "sfinx"
    GAME_ID = "Sfinx"
Case "sheila"
    GAME_ID = "Sheila Rae, the Brave"
Case "simon1"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer 1"
Case "simon2"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer 2"
Case "sky"
    GAME_ID = "Beneath a Steel Sky"
Case "slater"
    GAME_ID = "Slater & Charlie Go Camping"
Case "sleepingcub"
    GAME_ID = "Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage"
Case "socks"
    GAME_ID = "Pajama Sam's Sock Works"
Case "soltys"
    GAME_ID = "Soltys"
Case "spyfox"
    GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal"
Case "spyfox2"
    GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required"
Case "spyozon"
    GAME_ID = "SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone"
Case "sq1"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter"
Case "sq1sci"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Case "sq2"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge"
Case "sq3"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest III"
Case "sq4"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA)"
Case "sq5"
    GAME_ID = "Space Quest V"
Case "stellaluna"
    GAME_ID = "Stellaluna"
Case "swampy"
    GAME_ID = "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Swampy Adventures"
Case "sword1"
    GAME_ID = "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars"
Case "sword2"
    GAME_ID = "Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror"
Case "t7g"
    GAME_ID = "The 7th Guest"
Case "teenagent"
    GAME_ID = "TeenAgent"
Case "tentacle"
    GAME_ID = "Day of the Tentacle"
Case "thinker1"
    GAME_ID = "Big Thinkers First Grade"
Case "thinkerk"
    GAME_ID = "Big Thinkers Kindergarten"
Case "toltecs"
    GAME_ID = "3 Skulls of the Toltecs"
Case "tony"
    GAME_ID = "Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths"
Case "toon"
    GAME_ID = "Toonstruck"
Case "tortoise"
    GAME_ID = "Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare"
Case "touche"
    GAME_ID = "Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer"
Case "troll"
    GAME_ID = "Troll's Tale"
Case "tucker"
    GAME_ID = "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble"
Case "urban"
    GAME_ID = "Urban Runner"
Case "voyeur"
    GAME_ID = "Voyeur"
Case "water"
    GAME_ID = "Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries"
Case "waxworks"
    GAME_ID = "Waxworks"
Case "ween"
    GAME_ID = "Ween: The Prophecy"
Case "winnie"
    GAME_ID = "Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood"
Case "woodruff"
    GAME_ID = "The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble"
Case "zak"
    GAME_ID = "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders"
Case "zgi"
    GAME_ID = "Zork: Grand Inquisitor"
Case "znemesis"
    GAME_ID = "Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands"

        End Select
        Z(ROW - 1) = GAME_ID
        T(i) = Join(Z, Delim)

    End If

fso.CreateTextFile(TARGET).Write Join(T, vbNewline)

starts AM. Now you are able to scrape artwork and cover and see the correct Game Title in AM

Next time, you generate a new Romlist of scumm-vm, you have just to execute AM_scummvm_name-editor.vbs again.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 06:46:48 AM by hermine.potter »
AM Version : 2.6.1
Input : Mad Catz Brawlstick; Mouse; Keyboard; Xbox360 Wireless
Cabinet : Yes
OS : Windows10 Pro
System : Dell Precision T3500 ; Intel X5650 ; 12GB RAM


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Of course, you can leave your folder names as present and change the first row in romlists\scumm-vm.txt by edit the .vbs-script as follows:

Code: [Select]
ROW = 1
Case "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis"
    GAME_ID = "atlantis"

Code: [Select]
SOURCE = "scumm-vm.txt"
TARGET = "scumm-vm.txt"
ROW = 1
Delim = ";"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
T = Split(fso.OpenTextFile(SOURCE).ReadAll, vbNewline)

For i = 0 To UBound(T)
    If Trim(T(i)) <> "" Then
        Z = Split(T(i), Delim)
        GAME_ID = Z(ROW - 1)

        Select Case GAME_ID
Case "Maniac Mansion"
Game_ID = "maniac"
Case "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders"
Game_ID = "zak"
Case "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
Game_ID = "indy3"
Case "Loom"
Game_ID = "loom"
Case "Passport to Adventure"
Game_ID = "pass"
Case "The Secret of Monkey Island"
Game_ID = "monkey"
Case "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge"
Game_ID = "monkey2"
Case "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis"
Game_ID = "atlantis"
Case "Day of the Tentacle"
Game_ID = "tentacle"
Case "Sam & Max Hit the Road"
Game_ID = "samnmax"
Case "Full Throttle"
Game_ID = "ft"
Case "The Dig"
Game_ID = "dig"
Case "The Curse of Monkey Island"
Game_ID = "comi"
Case "Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2"
Game_ID = "lgop2"
Case "The Manhole"
Game_ID = "manhole"
Case "Return to Zork"
Game_ID = "rtz"
Case "Rodney's Funscreen"
Game_ID = "rodney"
Case "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark"
Game_ID = "elvira1"
Case "Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus"
Game_ID = "elvira2"
Case "Personal Nightmare"
Game_ID = "pn"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer 1"
Game_ID = "simon1"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer 2"
Game_ID = "simon2"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - D.I.M.P."
Game_ID = "dimp"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Jumble"
Game_ID = "jumble"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - NoPatience"
Game_ID = "puzzle"
Case "Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Swampy Adventures"
Game_ID = "swampy"
Case "The Feeble Files"
Game_ID = "feeble"
Case "Waxworks"
Game_ID = "waxworks"
Case "Bargon Attack"
Game_ID = "bargon"
Case "Fascination"
Game_ID = "fascination"
Case "Geisha"
Game_ID = "geisha"
Case "Gobliiins"
Game_ID = "gob1"
Case "Gobliins 2"
Game_ID = "gob2"
Case "Goblins 3"
Game_ID = "gob3"
Case "Lost in Time"
Game_ID = "lostintime"
Case "Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood"
Game_ID = "littlered"
Case "Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle"
Game_ID = "bambou"
Case "The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble"
Game_ID = "woodruff"
Case "Urban Runner"
Game_ID = "urban"
Case "Ween: The Prophecy"
Game_ID = "ween"
Case "Beneath a Steel Sky"
Game_ID = "sky"
Case "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars"
Game_ID = "sword1"
Case "Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror"
Game_ID = "sword2"
Case "Lure of the Temptress"
Game_ID = "lure"
Case "The Black Cauldron"
Game_ID = "bc"
Case "Gold Rush!"
Game_ID = "goldrush"
Case "King's Quest I"
Game_ID = "kq1"
Case "King's Quest II"
Game_ID = "kq2"
Case "King's Quest III"
Game_ID = "kq3"
Case "King's Quest IV"
Game_ID = "kq4"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
Game_ID = "lsl1"
Case "Mixed-Up Mother Goose"
Game_ID = "mixedup"
Case "Manhunter 1: New York"
Game_ID = "mh1"
Case "Manhunter 2: San Francisco"
Game_ID = "mh2"
Case "Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel"
Game_ID = "pq1"
Case "Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter"
Game_ID = "sq1"
Case "Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge"
Game_ID = "sq2"
Case "Fanmade Games"
Game_ID = "agi-fanmade"
Case "Mickey's Space Adventure"
Game_ID = "mickey"
Case "Troll's Tale"
Game_ID = "troll"
Case "Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood"
Game_ID = "winnie"
Case "Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "castlebrain"
Case "Codename: ICEMAN"
Game_ID = "iceman"
Case "Conquests of Camelot"
Game_ID = "camelot"
Case "Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "longbow"
Case "EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus"
Game_ID = "ecoquest"
Case "EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest"
Game_ID = "ecoquest2"
Case "Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist"
Game_ID = "freddypharkas"
Case "Hoyle's Book of Games 1"
Game_ID = "hoyle1"
Case "Hoyle's Book of Games 2"
Game_ID = "hoyle2"
Case "Hoyle's Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "hoyle3"
Case "Hoyle Classic Card Games"
Game_ID = "hoyle4"
Case "Jones in the Fast Lane"
Game_ID = "jones"
Case "King's Quest I (SCI remake)"
Game_ID = "kq1sci"
Case "King's Quest IV (SCI version)"
Game_ID = "kq4sci"
Case "King's Quest V (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "kq5"
Case "King's Quest VI (low and hi res)"
Game_ID = "kq6"
Case "Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest"
Game_ID = "laurabow"
Case "Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra"
Game_ID = "laurabow2"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "lsl1sci"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry 2"
Game_ID = "lsl2"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry 3"
Game_ID = "lsl3"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "lsl5"
Case "Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res)"
Game_ID = "lsl6"
Case "Mixed-up Fairy Tales"
Game_ID = "fairytales"
Case "Mixed-up Mother Goose"
Game_ID = "mothergoose"
Case "Pepper's Adventures in Time"
Game_ID = "pepper"
Case "Police Quest 1 (SCI remake)"
Game_ID = "pq1sci"
Case "Police Quest 2"
Game_ID = "pq2"
Case "Police Quest 3 (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "pq3"
Case "Quest for Glory 1/Hero's Quest"
Game_ID = "qfg1"
Case "Quest for Glory 1 VGA remake"
Game_ID = "qfg1vga"
Case "Quest for Glory 2"
Game_ID = "qfg2"
Case "Quest for Glory 3"
Game_ID = "qfg3"
Case "Slater & Charlie Go Camping"
Game_ID = "slater"
Case "Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "sq1sci"
Case "Space Quest III"
Game_ID = "sq3"
Case "Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA)"
Game_ID = "sq4"
Case "Space Quest V"
Game_ID = "sq5"
Case "The Island of Dr. Brain"
Game_ID = "islandbrain"
Case "3 Skulls of the Toltecs"
Game_ID = "toltecs"
Case "Blue Force"
Game_ID = "blueforce"
Case "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble"
Game_ID = "tucker"
Case "Chivalry is Not Dead"
Game_ID = "chivalry"
Case "Cruise for a Corpse"
Game_ID = "cruise"
Case "DreamWeb"
Game_ID = "dreamweb"
Case "Discworld"
Game_ID = "dw"
Case "Discworld II - Missing presumed...!?"
Game_ID = "dw2"
Case "Dragon History"
Game_ID = "draci"
Case "Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back"
Game_ID = "drascula"
Case "Eye of the Beholder"
Game_ID = "eob"
Case "Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon"
Game_ID = "eob2"
Case "Flight of the Amazon Queen"
Game_ID = "queen"
Case "Future Wars"
Game_ID = "fw"
Case "Hopkins FBI"
Game_ID = "hopkins"
Case "Hugo's House of Horrors"
Game_ID = "hugo1"
Case "Hugo 2: Whodunit?"
Game_ID = "hugo2"
Case "Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom"
Game_ID = "hugo3"
Case "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"
Game_ID = "ihnm"
Case "Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb"
Game_ID = "ite"
Case "Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos"
Game_ID = "lol"
Case "Mortville Manor"
Game_ID = "mortevielle"
Case "Nippon Safes Inc."
Game_ID = "nippon"
Case "Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender"
Game_ID = "nebular"
Case "Ringworld: Revenge Of The Patriarch"
Game_ID = "ringworld"
Case "Return to Ringworld"
Game_ID = "ringworld2"
Case "Sfinx"
Game_ID = "sfinx"
Case "Soltys"
Game_ID = "soltys"
Case "The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime"
Game_ID = "pegasus"
Case "The Legend of Kyrandia"
Game_ID = "kyra1"
Case "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate"
Game_ID = "kyra2"
Case "The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge"
Game_ID = "kyra3"
Case "The Neverhood"
Game_ID = "neverhood"
Case "The 7th Guest"
Game_ID = "t7g"
Case "TeenAgent"
Game_ID = "teenagent"
Case "Toonstruck"
Game_ID = "toon"
Case "Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths"
Game_ID = "tony"
Case "Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer"
Game_ID = "touche"
Case "Voyeur"
Game_ID = "voyeur"
Case "Zork: Grand Inquisitor"
Game_ID = "zgi"
Case "Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands"
Game_ID = "znemesis"
Case "Backyard Baseball"
Game_ID = "baseball"
Case "Backyard Baseball 2001"
Game_ID = "baseball2001"
Case "Backyard Baseball 2003"
Game_ID = "baseball2003"
Case "Backyard Football"
Game_ID = "football"
Case "Backyard Football 2002"
Game_ID = "football2002"
Case "Bear Stormin'"
Game_ID = "brstorm"
Case "Big Thinkers First Grade"
Game_ID = "thinker1"
Case "Big Thinkers Kindergarten"
Game_ID = "thinkerk"
Case "Blue's 123 Time Activities"
Game_ID = "Blues123Time"
Case "Blue's ABC Time Activities"
Game_ID = "BluesABCTime"
Case "Blue's Art Time Activities"
Game_ID = "arttime"
Case "Blue's Birthday Adventure"
Game_ID = "BluesBirthday"
Case "Blue's Reading Time Activities"
Game_ID = "readtime"
Case "Blue's Treasure Hunt"
Game_ID = "BluesTreasureHunt"
Case "Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise"
Game_ID = "fbear"
Case "Fatty Bear's Fun Pack"
Game_ID = "fbpack"
Case "Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds"
Game_ID = "freddi"
Case "Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse"
Game_ID = "freddi2"
Case "Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell"
Game_ID = "freddi3"
Case "Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch"
Game_ID = "freddi4"
Case "Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove"
Game_ID = "freddicove"
Case "Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness"
Game_ID = "maze"
Case "Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries"
Game_ID = "water"
Case "Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy"
Game_ID = "airport"
Case "Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy"
Game_ID = "farm"
Case "Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy"
Game_ID = "jungle"
Case "Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day"
Game_ID = "pjgames"
Case "Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside"
Game_ID = "pajama"
Case "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening"
Game_ID = "pajama2"
Case "Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet"
Game_ID = "pajama3"
Case "Pajama Sam's Lost & Found"
Game_ID = "lost"
Case "Pajama Sam's Sock Works"
Game_ID = "socks"
Case "Putt-Putt Enters the Race"
Game_ID = "puttrace"
Case "Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon"
Game_ID = "puttmoon"
Case "Putt-Putt Joins the Circus"
Game_ID = "puttcircus"
Case "Putt-Putt Joins the Parade"
Game_ID = "puttputt"
Case "Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo"
Game_ID = "puttzoo"
Case "Putt-Putt Travels Through Time"
Game_ID = "putttime"
Case "Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama"
Game_ID = "balloon"
Case "Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick"
Game_ID = "dog"
Case "Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack"
Game_ID = "activity"
Case "Putt-Putt's Fun Pack"
Game_ID = "funpack"
Case "SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal"
Game_ID = "spyfox"
Case "SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required"
Game_ID = "spyfox2"
Case "SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone"
Game_ID = "spyozon"
Case "SPY Fox in Cheese Chase"
Game_ID = "chase"
Case "SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard"
Game_ID = "mustard"
Case "Darby the Dragon"
Game_ID = "darby"
Case "Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon"
Game_ID = "gregory"
Case "Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story"
Game_ID = "liam"
Case "The Princess and the Crab"
Game_ID = "princess"
Case "Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage"
Game_ID = "sleepingcub"
Case "Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare"
Game_ID = "tortoise"
Case "Arthur's Birthday"
Game_ID = "arthurbday"
Case "Arthur's Teacher Trouble"
Game_ID = "arthur"
Case "Dr. Seuss's ABC"
Game_ID = "seussabc"
Case "Green Eggs and Ham"
Game_ID = "greeneggs"
Case "Harry and the Haunted House"
Game_ID = "harryhh"
Case "Just Grandma and Me"
Game_ID = "grandma"
Case "Little Monster at School"
Game_ID = "lilmonster"
Case "Ruff's Bone"
Game_ID = "ruff"
Case "Sheila Rae, the Brave"
Game_ID = "sheila"
Case "Stellaluna"
Game_ID = "stellaluna"
Case "The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight"
Game_ID = "bearfight"
Case "The Berenstain Bears in the Dark"
Game_ID = "beardark"
Case "The New Kid on the Block"
Game_ID = "newkid"

        End Select
        Z(ROW - 1) = GAME_ID
        T(i) = Join(Z, Delim)

    End If

fso.CreateTextFile(TARGET).Write Join(T, vbNewline)
AM Version : 2.6.1
Input : Mad Catz Brawlstick; Mouse; Keyboard; Xbox360 Wireless
Cabinet : Yes
OS : Windows10 Pro
System : Dell Precision T3500 ; Intel X5650 ; 12GB RAM


  • Full Member
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So what should my
args                 -f -p [rompath][name] [name]
line be now?


  • Hero Member
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-f : switch to fullscreen

-p : paramter to open folder

[rompath] : Path to your scumm-vm games

first [name] : folder name of game in [rompath] (e.g. lure-fr)

second [name] :  AM takes folder name in [rompath]; but you need specific scummvm game-id schematic (folder lure-fr doesn't work; renaming folder to lure works, because game-id of Lure of Tempress is lure (and nothing else))
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 04:06:12 AM by hermine.potter »
AM Version : 2.6.1
Input : Mad Catz Brawlstick; Mouse; Keyboard; Xbox360 Wireless
Cabinet : Yes
OS : Windows10 Pro
System : Dell Precision T3500 ; Intel X5650 ; 12GB RAM


  • Sr. Member
  • ****
  • Posts: 301
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I found a solution to show real names using hyperspin oficial xml database.

You have to add this information to your emulator .cfg

Code: [Select]
info_source          listsoftware
import_extras      "Path To" \ScummVM.xml

"Path To" \ScummVM.xm means watherver you have donwloade the database file.

Just tested and this is how works:

Code: [Select]
castlebrain;Castle of Dr. Brain (CD DOS);ScummVM;;1991;Sierra On-Line;Educational;;;;;0;;;;;
lsl1sci;Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Floppy DOS VGA Remake);ScummVM;;1991;Sierra On-Line;Adventure;;;;;0;;;;;
monkey;Secret of Monkey Island, The (CD DOS VGA);ScummVM;;1990;Lucasfilm Games;Adventure;;;;;0;;;;;