Hello, I need help basically what i would like to do and when i press the key up or down change the platform in attractmode and when change the platform the code by [DisplayName] show the background image referring to the selected platform, could someone help me with this code
function on_signal( sig ){
switch ( sig )
case "up":
fe.signal( "prev_display" );
return true;
case "down":
fe.signal( "next_display" );
return true;
return false;
fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");
function layout_transitions(ttype, var, ttime) {
case Transition.ToNewList:
switch ([DisplayName])
case "Arcade":
local ar = fe.add_image ( "images/arcade.png", flx*0.0, fly*0.0, flw, flh );
case "Sega Genesis":
local sg = fe.add_image ( "images/sega genesis.png", flx*0.0, fly*0.0, flw, flh );
return false;