i'm not using SK Jukebox.
>Different ways:
set media files as "roms" and play it via "emulator"Does SK Jukebox supports playing media files directly from command line / batch?
for example : play mp3 files via VLC media player. See section :
VLC-mp3 / Music via VLC-
if program not support commandline, just start program-exe directly with a dummy filefor example to start FileZilla FTP Client:
-create a file FileZilla.dummy or just FileZilla.txt
-move it to a rom-folder
-create emulator with this settings:
executable "C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe"
args "[name]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\FileZilla\ROMS
romext .dummy
create shortcut of program-exe and set this links as romfilefor example to start notepad from AM:
-right mouse button to your .exe > create shortcut
-move this shortcut to a folder
-rename this link-file to Notepad
-create an emulator Notepad
-edit emulator to this settings:
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\Notepad
romext .lnk
alternative: create batch file
start program from utility menu pluginHereHereHereHere