As it is your fault, I thought that I would add in here lol. I had a look through your layout.nut and blew my mind on how complex it is, and without ripping off the code bit by bit, I am trying to do what you have done in your layout
E.G I am trying to remove Snk / Playmore Sega (A lot of text that I do not want)
The code that I have is basic, which is what I like
local genre_info0 = fe.add_text("[Manufacturer]", flx*0.10, fly*0.96, flw, flh*0.015 );
genre_info0.font = font_bold;
genre_info0.charsize = 90;
genre_info0.align = Align.Left;
Is there a much simpler way of stripping out unwanted from the above code?
I have been trying to follow some of your code
However, I am going brain dead and I am still trying to learn as I am going along, but I have hit a brick wall.
P.S I love the skin, at first I thought that I wanted the arcade, but then I changed to Panscan and that is amazing. I am trying to recreate your dot matrix listings at the bottom, but I am doing it from very basic knowledge.
function strip_man( ioffset )
local m = fe.game_info(Info.Manufacturer,ioffset);
return split( m,"/,(" )[0];
fe.add_text( "[!strip_man]", flx*0.15, fly*0.627, flw, flh*0.050 );
I finally worked it out, my code is above, I have tried it on MAME and it works. The original code is below that I was trying to copy, but could not get it working. The skin that I am working on has very basic code, compared to other themes such as this, which leads me to believe that the more code you have the more optimised the theme will be. I am experiencing some slow down and crashes using basic code.
local name = split( name, "(" )[0]; // shorten the manufacturer name when one of the followig characters exist
// name = split( name, "[" )[0];
// name = split( name, "/" )[0];
// name = split( name, "," )[0];
// name = split( name, "?" )[0];