Nope scrap that bit of information, I now have it
First make a favourites display
Name Favourites
Collection/Rom List All Games
Show In Cycle Yes
Show in menu Yes (Optional)
Global Filter Empty
Filter All
Rule Target Favourite equals 1
I have Golden Axe now showing as a favourite.
The weird thing is that I now have two favourites, I am trying to add a card game called Deal Em it says that is in the favourites, however that does not show in the list. I have tried adding another game to the favourites, once again this does not show on the favourites which is very weird, it is accepting some games but not others.
I have tried adding a few games now, and pretty much not many are being accepted, even after a shut down of AM, they are still not showing. At first I thought that it was because of Double Dragon (Japan) so it not liking the Japan bit, but I found GAME with no spaces, weird characters etc and even that has not added to the list, if I try adding it again, it will ask if I want to remove it from Favourites, so it is marking it as a favourite, but not displaying.
You really need to generate a favourites list.
I just tried the official build, and favourites add as normal and display as normal on that build, sadly it is not working on the unofficial build that I have.
Also in the video he is using a Pi build Motion Blue, so that might be down to his skinning ability, so it will be possible on PC builds.