Author Topic: You doubt? Favorites and controls?  (Read 6326 times)

Delita Hyral

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You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« on: March 15, 2022, 02:01:02 AM »
 Guys, I would like to know if there is a way to create a favorites list in AM within the layout? I know that it is possible to map the button, but I don't know how to find the games added to the favorites list...

and another thing, is there any way for the AM to detect the joystick automatically?


Mark Norville

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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2022, 03:42:52 AM »
Guys, I would like to know if there is a way to create a favorites list in AM within the layout? I know that it is possible to map the button, but I don't know how to find the games added to the favorites list...

and another thing, is there any way for the AM to detect the joystick automatically?


1) Favourites you can map a button in the settings tab > control panel > favourites > add input F

However, from my testing of it, it does not work. I managed to add two favourites, when I tried to add more then none of them would show up
One demo I saw I think someone was using a plug in that generated a favourites list. I cannot find this on a stock build of AM.

2) As for auto detection of joystick, I think that it is mapped on the Xbox Controller by default

You would have to mass produce potentially batch files for every joystick combination to get something like this up and running, I mean how many times do you change your controller board? It also does not take long to map buttons out, a minute at most, and you can have multiple inputs for the same button. So you can set up multiple controllers and if you take one out, and replace it with one you have mapped, then it should work.

However for number 2 I am only guessing on that lot, as I do not have my arcade cabinet up and running yet, so I am only on a xbox controller just for testing.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge will reply and help you out more than I can


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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2022, 06:02:56 AM »
tab>configure>controls    add/remove favorite 

then use

tab>configure>controls   next filter
tab>configure>controls   filters menu

to view them...
help a friend....


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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2022, 10:51:41 AM »
Guys, I would like to know if there is a way to create a favorites list in AM within the layout? I know that it is possible to map the button, but I don't know how to find the games added to the favorites list...

There's not a real favourite list, but you can define a favourite "filter" that, once selected through the filters menu, will show only the favourite games. I'm not sure if the favourite filter is created by default with each layout...

Delita Hyral

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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 04:59:24 PM »
, Well now would have to see a simpler way to do this process, maybe some plugin? :(


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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2022, 10:45:11 PM »
Jedione describes this very well above. You need to configure the key/buttons for favorites and filters.

"tab>configure>controls    add/remove favorite

then use

tab>configure>controls   next filter
tab>configure>controls   filters menu

to view them..."

A common mistake is that if you don't enable "Confirm Favourites" and you press the favourite key/button of a game this is already a favourite, it will remove it from the favourite list. Configure-->General-->Confirm Favourites=Yes

The favourites filter is a builtin default filter for all Displays you create. To see games marked as favourites, enter a AM Display (not the "Systems Menu") and use the filter keys/button to toggle filter or view the filters menu.

There are actual favorites lists. They are per display (not across all displays by default) and are located in the AM romlist folder and named after the AM display with a .tag extension. The list will contain only the romname without any extention, each on a separate line. You can manually create these lists with a text editor if you wanted.

Mark, there is no favourite plugin. There is no need for one. What you saw is a script that someone made that takes the favourites list for each display and combines them all into a single favorites display.

Favourites can be hard to understand at first but are very easy to use once you know how they work.

Here's a link to a thread that explains a lot about  favourites and tags It was written a while ago and some characters got messed up when the AM forum was upgraded. I've tried to fix the messed up characters several times but the forum always gives me an error. It's still pretty readable, just keep in mind where you see weird characters these are really either quotes (") or apostrophes (').

« Last Edit: March 19, 2022, 12:12:23 AM by progets »

Mark Norville

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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2022, 02:52:16 AM »
My brain is awake now,

I have had a brief play of this, but I still cannot get favourites to display. Well that is a lie, one game is in my favourites

I have a display set up called Favourites

Name Favourites
Collection/Rom List All Games
Show in cycle yes
show in menu yes
Global filter empty
Filter Favourites
Filter All

Favourites filter

Filter name Favourites
Rule Favourite equals 1
Sort by title

I have F to select as Favourite, and that is a yes or no confirmation to add or remove, so everything is being selected as yes.

I managed to get two MAME games into the favourites display, but then after that everything stopped working, it would add no more favourites.

I do not have a text file for favourites in the rom list folder

I will have a look at the post that you linked too, now that my brain is more awake but it just seems weird that it would show two of the roms that I added to favourites but never any more.


Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
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Mark Norville

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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2022, 03:14:30 AM »
Ok I have it now, I set it up how you said to do it in the link.

I had things differently than your set up, but really they should work all the same way or possibly?

such as I had All Games and not All Systems.

However, you cannot add favourites from anything else apart from the main All Games or All Systems filter

I was going to Donkey Kong collection and then adding favourites from that collection, to which were not working.


Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
HD Specs : 1 x 1 TB SSD + 4 x 8 TB = 33 TB (fullish)
First system : ZX81 (Yes I am an old fart)
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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2022, 10:37:16 PM »
I followed the directions from a guy on YT that worked perfectly - it even has the script file to create the games list in the description:

Mark Norville

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Re: You doubt? Favorites and controls?
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2022, 11:38:18 PM »
I just had a look at the video and it is far too slow a way to get favourites working

If you done this for countless of systems will take ages to do.

You just need to get used to making a master rom list (so you generate all roms) ALL SYSTEMS

When you set up systems then you need to make filters, so when you set up emulators you need to name them so they are more searchable so Sega Dreamcast USA

All what you need to do then is set up a favourites where ever you want, and then click on F for what ever system you want, it is instant.

If you follow this video, you have to keep generating a rom list, which takes ages over ten seconds for about seven games, so the more you add the longer it is going to take you.

However, if you wish to do it like this, then up to you, but trust me this is going to take you a very long time to do, compared to the official way, once you know how to do that.


Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
HD Specs : 1 x 1 TB SSD + 4 x 8 TB = 33 TB (fullish)
First system : ZX81 (Yes I am an old fart)
PS Network : MarkNorvile
Xbox : Mark Norville