Hey gang,
I've been working on a pretty simple custom layout for use on my arcade cabinet (Sega Blast City with MS2930 monitor) and have got to the point where I'd like to show it off
It's loosely based on the layout that Cools created (nice work man!). This is only a couple of days work so far, but I'm pretty happy with it so far.
I've designed it specifically for use in 640x480 on a horizontal arcade monitor, and the layout nicely handles previews for both horizontal and vertical games.
Vertical game:

Horizontal game:

In the background it scrolls an image I have included with the layout (brazenly stolen from Rocketlauncher, sorry guys!). It also shows flyers overlayed over the top of the background. Both layers scroll independently which looks pretty cool I think. As not all games have a flyer, I have set up the flyers in my MAME config to also include snaps. The layout will automatically scale the snaps so they are 1.5x larger than the screen so they can scroll around (albeit a bit chunky looking).
Here's a YouTube video of it running on my cabinet, please excuse the shaky cam!
I have not made any effort to test this layout at higher video resolutions, so for all I know it might not look so nice if you're not at 640x480! Word of warning!
Oh also, in the archive I've included a module I wrote that the layout relies on called "pan-and-scan". This module is pretty straightforward, somewhat based on the FillArt module that Liquid posted on the forums recently. This is what I use to display and animate the background and flyers. If anyone want's to use it in their own layouts, be my guest!

Hope someone finds this useful for use in their own setup. I will likely make additional changes and post them to the forums as I progress.
Finally, thanks to Raygun and all of the contributors for this awesome frontend! I've had a lot of fun noodling around with it