+1 to Restoring the Snap-Only option.
+10 If you add a snap+title option, where it shows the snap and the title in plain text over the snap.
So I fiddled with your theme a bit and made this turd, I call it gameulation station.

It was mostly for educational purposes, but I can already tell AttractMode is going to need a per-display layout option. Editing the layout to add systems was pretty painful.
Some of the things I modified I'd like to ask as features for Game Station (see attached theme file for details)
- Option to put wheel art above the Snap preview area, instead of straddling the Snap area.
- Ability to disable animation for wheel/logo art (the popping effect in the upper left)
- Ability to disable animation for marquee.
- Ability to disable marquee.
- Remove copyright and comma if there is no copyright and year information (or just strip it out like i did)
Other stuff:
- Ability to modify the time it takes for the listbox to go away, and the length of the listbox animation.
Keep up the good work, this theme is going to be the centrepiece of my emulation rig for a long time.