This is crucial (if it is #1 or #2), because this is totally different layout in both cases (I think - but I can be wrong).
For me #1 is such an obvious choice - because I'm using this screen vertically all the time, but I'm asking because cools vertical (that is shipped with AM) is #2 (system not rotated).
Surely #2 can be a better option if you are using screen horizontally and occasionally rotate it just to play games - it saves you the trouble with switching system orientation in preferences.
>> I'm glad you're working on vertical themes, and hope you share them.
For sure, but it's just an idea for now - I didn't even make a proper mockup in Photoshop.
And there is the coding... and I'm not that great in coding. Well... not that I can't code at all (I'm pretty good with HTML/CSS coding), but just don't have enough time to learn squirrel.