Here is my config for using libretrocores. You need to read up on how to save configs for each emulator.
executable /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/./retroarch
args -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fba-next/ --config /home/pi/.config/retroarch/ "[rompath][name][romext]"
rompath /media/pi/BigMedia/roms/mame_fb
romext .zip;.7z;.chd;<DIR>
import_extras /home/pi/.attract/catver.ini;/home/pi/.attract/nplayers.ini
artwork flyer /media/pi/BigMedia/media/mame/flyers
artwork marquee /media/pi/BigMedia/media/mame/marquee
artwork screen /media/pi/BigMedia/media/mame/snap
artwork snap /media/pi/BigMedia/media/mame/video
artwork wheel /media/pi/BigMedia/media/mame/wheel
Honestly I'm 100% shocked I have made it this far with AM, like I say 3 weeks ago I never looked at linux or a Rpi. So it's a steep learning curve coming off the click install Windows based OS.
Where would I go to read up on saving configs for each emulator? If it's a matter of just saving off the settings you have listed I have dont that for MAME and SNES so far and both work fine, just didn't have any luck trying to run any other MAME version other than mame4all.
I have all the flyer, marquee, snap, video and wheel working fine in the proper directories. Just couldn't get other emulators that are not a direct path working.