Last night some changes were pushed to Attract Mode's source code that fix the cached keypress issue. Maybe we can get a v.6 image that incorporates the fixes.
I went ahead and re-compiled Attract Mode from the update source code and it seems to be working great. My issues playing some of the videos have also disappeared.
Guys, first post here, but the cached key press key can be fixed, in the latest version of Attract mode, and the latest version of Retro-Pi....
The problem with this was in sfml-pi. This is also why the issue would not show up if using X....but if not using X, it would. You need to upgrade the images, and then it will be OK.... the instructions to clone SFML-pi and then to compile attract mode. After you do this, you can also upgrade Retropie to all the latest.
Fire it up, and the issue will be gone. Did this last night, and I could not be happier with it now! This is by far the best front end for Pi in my opinion.....
sudo apt-get install cmake libflac-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libfreetype6-dev libudev-dev libfontconfig1-dev
cd ~/develop
git clone --depth 1 sfml-pi
mkdir sfml-pi/build;cd sfml-pi/build
cmake .. -DSFML_RPI=1 -DEGL_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DEGL_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/ -DGLES_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DGLES_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig