When i release my updated animate module, it will make use of a Utils module that will have a bunch of helpful functions. What would you like to see in it? What types of helper functions do you reuse all the time?
Here are some of the things I have already or plan on adding:
//math and number helpers
randomf (float)
randoma (val from array)
percent (get a percentage of a val/maxval)
//color utils
int_to_rgb (int color to rgb table)
rgb_to_hex (rgb to hex val)
hex to rgb (hex val to rgb table)
//callback utils
register_callback (register a global callback)
unregister_callback (unregister a callback)
run_callback (run a callback)
//object utils
transform (transform an object with centered scale and rotation)
anchor (anchor one object to another)
align (align one object to another)
//string utils
translate (translates variable strings to their actual value)
replace (replace something in a string with something else)
parse_time (parses a time string like "1s" into ms)