Author Topic: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0  (Read 28010 times)


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Anyone using this?

Works great as far as I'm concerned. The non-x version seemed to lag in the videos but I prefer the x-windows version anyways. My Pi's never crashed on screensaver mode like some have mentioned but they did just show a grey screen a few times. This seems to be gone now. I haven't seen a grey screen yet.

Any other thoughts?

BTW - I like the uni_cade layout/theme but it needs some adjustments. With this theme I use a wall of game boxes (game marquees for arcade) as a single flyer per system with HS wheel art and videos from emumovies. This provides a great experience and I wish I had it years ago before building a PC with a much more complex, time consuming and expensive setup.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 08:47:19 AM »
I'm using it, the only problem is runcommand and daphne starting under AM, as reported in another thread (in retropie 3.8 too)...
But all the rest is great.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 10:42:33 AM »
Anyone using this?

Works great as far as I'm concerned. The non-x version seemed to lag in the videos but I prefer the x-windows version anyways. My Pi's never crashed on screensaver mode like some have mentioned but they did just show a grey screen a few times. This seems to be gone now. I haven't seen a grey screen yet.

Any other thoughts?

BTW - I like the uni_cade layout/theme but it needs some adjustments. With this theme I use a wall of game boxes (game marquees for arcade) as a single flyer per system with HS wheel art and videos from emumovies. This provides a great experience and I wish I had it years ago before building a PC with a much more complex, time consuming and expensive setup.

i would like to give this setup a try if i knew how to build/compiled this latest version together. i know there is a wiki to compiled AM but not sure how to combine AM with Retropie latest
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 10:47:50 AM by sevenseal »


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2016, 12:39:12 PM »
I just download the RetroPie SD image, then build SFML and AM (use the wiki) and then create a simple script in the "ports" folder that kills EmulationStation and loads AM. Then in AM I change the shutdown command to "sudo reboot".

This will allow you to boot to EmulationStation and then switch to AM. When you exit AM it will bring you back to EmulationStation.

Once you get things setup right you can change the /etc/profile.d/ file to boot directly into AM if you want.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2016, 04:08:08 PM »
I just download the RetroPie SD image, then build SFML and AM (use the wiki) and then create a simple script in the "ports" folder that kills EmulationStation and loads AM. Then in AM I change the shutdown command to "sudo reboot".

This will allow you to boot to EmulationStation and then switch to AM. When you exit AM it will bring you back to EmulationStation.

Once you get things setup right you can change the /etc/profile.d/ file to boot directly into AM if you want.

ah thank you progets,

kinda figure it would be that route, just didnt know for sure that was the method. now it all clear now, very much appreciate it


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2016, 05:31:05 PM »
Once you get things setup right you can change the /etc/profile.d/ file to boot directly into AM if you want.

If we are talking about the 4beta2 the best way is to edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/all/ and change emulationstation to attract


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2016, 11:26:21 PM »
Once you get things setup right you can change the /etc/profile.d/ file to boot directly into AM if you want.

If we are talking about the 4beta2 the best way is to edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/all/ and change emulationstation to attract

Piggei is correct. You need to change the /opt/retropie/configs/all/ file to change the boot. This can even be done over the samba network share \\retropie\configs\all\ The /etc/profile.d/ file was used prior to the beta and if you upgraded to the beta.

This is a pretty cool new change. You can even setup the file to boot kodi and enter emulation station or attract-mode when you exit kodi.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2016, 07:35:15 AM »
Once you get things setup right you can change the /etc/profile.d/ file to boot directly into AM if you want.

If we are talking about the 4beta2 the best way is to edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/all/ and change emulationstation to attract

Piggei is correct. You need to change the /opt/retropie/configs/all/ file to change the boot. This can even be done over the samba network share \\retropie\configs\all\ The /etc/profile.d/ file was used prior to the beta and if you upgraded to the beta.

This is a pretty cool new change. You can even setup the file to boot kodi and enter emulation station or attract-mode when you exit kodi.

Yes, you can alsouse the E option in the autostart setup to edit the file...
Maybe in a future we can modify the  scriptmodules/supplementary/ and add AttractMode... atm the best way is to use the E option...


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2016, 12:40:31 AM »
So I have rebuilt to use RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0. On my new build I switched to the AM non-x build (mainly to launch Kodi and AdvMAME from AM using the runcommand). There's not too much difference from the RetroPie 4Beta2 with AM 2.1.0 but I have done a few things that might help some. Mainly, the ability to run RetroPie setup stuff from AM without needing to boot into EmulationStation. Booting into EmulationStation takes too long with 5,000+ roms and doesn't really provide any benefit to me. Being able to run Raspbian and RetroPie setup processes from AM using a gamepad makes it very convenient to adjust things like overscan and wifi passwords when bringing my Pi to other people's houses.

Here's the concept and setup. I created a new "Emulator" called "Setup".

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.1.0
executable           /bin/bash
args                 "[romfilename]"
rompath              /home/pi/.attract/extras
romext               .sh
system               Setup
artwork    snap            /home/pi/.attract/extras

I don't want to people to accidentally access this setup so have set the "Displays" options for "Layout" to "Basic", "Show in Cycle" to "No" and the "Show in Menu" to "Yes" for the "Setup" emulator so it's not accessible using the left/right to go through the systems. I have also set the "Displays" gamepad controls to be a unique button combination in the AM "Controls" setup.

I then created simple batch files for these different setups in a folder called /home/pi/.attract/extras.
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/raspiconfig.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/retroarch.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/rpsetup.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/runcommand.rp

Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/wifi.rp

You will need to change these files to be executable for them to work.
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/.attract/extras/*.sh

That's about it and you can stop here to get all the setup functions you need right from AM. If you want to go a step further and bring some artwork over from EmulationStation to AM you can do this.
Code: [Select]
cp /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/icons/*.png /home/pi/.attract/extras/

You will then need to rename the .png files in /home/pi/.attract/extras/ to match the names of the scripts above.

I feel this process allows you to continue to get the great setup and upgrade options without having to toggle back and forth between EmulationStation and Attract-Mode.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 01:05:48 AM by progets »


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2016, 12:23:12 PM »
So I have rebuilt to use RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0. On my new build I switched to the AM non-x build (mainly to launch Kodi and AdvMAME from AM using the runcommand). There's not too much difference from the RetroPie 4Beta2 with AM 2.1.0 but I have done a few things that might help some. Mainly, the ability to run RetroPie setup stuff from AM without needing to boot into EmulationStation. Booting into EmulationStation takes too long with 5,000+ roms and doesn't really provide any benefit to me. Being able to run Raspbian and RetroPie setup processes from AM using a gamepad makes it very convenient to adjust things like overscan and wifi passwords when bringing my Pi to other people's houses.

Here's the concept and setup. I created a new "Emulator" called "Setup".

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.1.0
executable           /bin/bash
args                 "[romfilename]"
rompath              /home/pi/.attract/extras
romext               .sh
system               Setup
artwork    snap            /home/pi/.attract/extras

I don't want to people to accidentally access this setup so have set the "Displays" options for "Layout" to "Basic", "Show in Cycle" to "No" and the "Show in Menu" to "Yes" for the "Setup" emulator so it's not accessible using the left/right to go through the systems. I have also set the "Displays" gamepad controls to be a unique button combination in the AM "Controls" setup.

I then created simple batch files for these different setups in a folder called /home/pi/.attract/extras.
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/raspiconfig.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/retroarch.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/rpsetup.rp
Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/runcommand.rp

Code: [Select]
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/wifi.rp

You will need to change these files to be executable for them to work.
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/.attract/extras/*.sh

That's about it and you can stop here to get all the setup functions you need right from AM. If you want to go a step further and bring some artwork over from EmulationStation to AM you can do this.
Code: [Select]
cp /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/icons/*.png /home/pi/.attract/extras/

You will then need to rename the .png files in /home/pi/.attract/extras/ to match the names of the scripts above.

I feel this process allows you to continue to get the great setup and upgrade options without having to toggle back and forth between EmulationStation and Attract-Mode.

this was a very helpful share, thank you so much and much appreciate


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2016, 01:42:35 PM »
So I have rebuilt to use RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0. On my new build I switched to the AM non-x build (mainly to launch Kodi and AdvMAME from AM using the runcommand). There's not too much difference from the RetroPie 4Beta2 with AM 2.1.0 but I have done a few things that might help some. Mainly, the ability to run RetroPie setup stuff from AM without needing to boot into EmulationStation. Booting into EmulationStation takes too long with 5,000+ roms and doesn't really provide any benefit to me. Being able to run Raspbian and RetroPie setup processes from AM using a gamepad makes it very convenient to adjust things like overscan and wifi passwords when bringing my Pi to other people's houses...
Hi Progets,
would you upload it somewhere your image RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0? I'd like to try it but I can not compile it yourself.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2016, 07:57:36 PM »
So I have rebuilt to use RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0. On my new build I switched to the AM non-x build (mainly to launch Kodi and AdvMAME from AM using the runcommand). There's not too much difference from the RetroPie 4Beta2 with AM 2.1.0 but I have done a few things that might help some. Mainly, the ability to run RetroPie setup stuff from AM without needing to boot into EmulationStation. Booting into EmulationStation takes too long with 5,000+ roms and doesn't really provide any benefit to me. Being able to run Raspbian and RetroPie setup processes from AM using a gamepad makes it very convenient to adjust things like overscan and wifi passwords when bringing my Pi to other people's houses...
Hi Progets,
would you upload it somewhere your image RetroPie 4RC1 with AM 2.1.0? I'd like to try it but I can not compile it yourself.
not hard to do,
just download Retropie 4.0rc release of the image, run it in command prompt
and compiled attractmode + sfml with it, thats itthen you have 4.0rc1 with am 2.1


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2016, 08:44:23 AM »
I continue having Daphne, runcommand and all console videos (configuration scripts too) under the AM screen, so I can't see them... I need to find the fix..  :(


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2016, 01:45:20 PM »
I continue having Daphne, runcommand and all console videos (configuration scripts too) under the AM screen, so I can't see them... I need to find the fix..  :(
Have you tried Configure-->General-->Window Mode = Full Screen? I think the default is Fill Screen which caused similar issues with AdvMAME on my build.


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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 Running RetroPie Beta 4.0.2 with AM 2.1.0
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2016, 05:06:54 PM »
I continue having Daphne, runcommand and all console videos (configuration scripts too) under the AM screen, so I can't see them... I need to find the fix..  :(
Have you tried Configure-->General-->Window Mode = Full Screen? I think the default is Fill Screen which caused similar issues with AdvMAME on my build.

It works!!!! Thank you very much!!!   :)