Thanks for the compliment. Let me know in what Layout you're using it in. I like to see some real world uses. Regarding the fade. You would like something like this setting correct?
after_nav_fade = 255// fades the entire gamelist to the entered alpha value after navigation endes. Changes back to item.alphascaling during navigation
This is not implemented but if it helps, I will look into it. I need to put out a bugfix regarding vertical lists with text names.
That would be what I'm after, would also love the option that the highlighted games wheel doesn't fade so you're left with only that wheel on screen once faded, that would be sweet. The fade script I was using had an option to select how long the fade would take which was quite useful too.
so I implemented this. To adjust how long it takes to fade I have add two options - the delay before the fade should begin, and the fade speed. The fade speed is a multiplier so you will need to play with it untill it is as slow or fast as you want.
Great new but it isn't working for me, I've added the following code to the General List Options after updating the module and the wheel along with any code below it doesn't show:
spinList.ms_speed = 150; // OPTIONS: in milliseconds, sets the speed of the conveyor
spinList.fade_after_nav = 0; // OPTIONS: 0-255 Fades the entire gamelist after navigation to this value. set to 255 to disable fading
spinList.fade_delay = 5000; // the amount of time in milliseconds before the fade should start
spinList.fade_speed = 1; // the mulitplier controlling the speed of the fade
spinList.fade_selected = false; // OPTIONS: TRUE/FALSE fade selected game if gamelist fading is active
Something I'm doing wrong?