Author Topic: RetroMode Theme  (Read 17257 times)


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Re: RetroMode Theme
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2019, 11:44:02 PM »
Create a Pinball section...???

I'll make a pinball section too but not sure about location yet. Pinball section can be placed in /Platforms along with Arcades, Consoles etc because Pinball machines are a specific system type. It can also be placed in Arcades as separate head if collection has greater number of arcade derived titles, lastly it can also be placed in collections/Genre as a separate head with Pinball being a specific genre (this will mean that one can create a unified Pinball section showcasing Pinball games from all systems).

I like the list but what happens when you have a name of a game that is really long?  Like "Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - haruka-naru tatakai" for example.

One option is to shorten the name in Title, unless you have linked artwork through titles and not [Name] this will only effect how Title is displayed in game list. Title could become "Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final Victory". Or you can leave the Title as it is, AM will display part of title but you could easily make out the rest. A somewhat longer name in current display:


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Re: RetroMode Theme
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2019, 05:56:12 PM »
One option is to shorten the name in Title, unless you have linked artwork through titles and not [Name] this will only effect how Title is displayed in game list. Title could become "Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final Victory". Or you can leave the Title as it is, AM will display part of title but you could easily make out the rest.

The problem is with long names you will encounter stuff like the picture below.  I'm using your Chicuelo Mix theme (awesome theme btw) and you can see with the Final Fantasy Anthology games, it's kind of hard to tell what is what.  A good way to fix it would be to have the name auto scroll but i'm not sure if that's even feasible to code.


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Re: RetroMode Theme
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2019, 01:57:54 AM »
One option is to shorten the name in Title, unless you have linked artwork through titles and not [Name] this will only effect how Title is displayed in game list. Title could become "Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final Victory". Or you can leave the Title as it is, AM will display part of title but you could easily make out the rest.

The problem is with long names you will encounter stuff like the picture below.  I'm using your Chicuelo Mix theme (awesome theme btw) and you can see with the Final Fantasy Anthology games, it's kind of hard to tell what is what.  A good way to fix it would be to have the name auto scroll but i'm not sure if that's even feasible to code.

Gamelist is in all caps plus the text size is quite large, I didn't change this to keep AM port as close to the original theme on ES as possible. you can edit following parts in AM/layouts/Chicuelo Mix/layout_games.nut (open this file in any text editor)

Original Text
Code: [Select]
// Overwrite the select function
function select(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 32; = Style.Bold;
slot.set_rgb ( 120, 199, 239 );

// Overwrite the deselect function
function deselect(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 32; = Style.Bold;
slot.set_rgb (240, 240, 240);

Modify like This
// Overwrite the select function
Code: [Select]
function select(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
  slot.charsize = 26; = Style.Bold;
  slot.set_rgb ( 120, 199, 239 );

// Overwrite the deselect function
function deselect(slot) {
slot.align = Align.Left;
  slot.charsize = 26; = Style.Bold;
slot.set_rgb (240, 240, 240);

If slot.charsize = 26 seems too small, increase to 28 or 30. There is an auto-scroll option (, I'll look into it but last time I checked it was not possible to give instruction based on the length of title so it applied to every item listed which kind of beats the purpose.