Alas, it doesn't work for me. My emulators/mame.cfg:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.1-50
executable $HOME/bin/mame64
args -video bgfx [name]
rompath $HOME/mame/roms
romext .zip;.7z;<DIR>
system Arcade
import_extras $HOME/mame/mame.xml;$HOME/mame/catver.ini
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork flyer $HOME/mame/cabinets;$HOME/mame/flyers
artwork icons $HOME/mame/icons
artwork marquee $HOME/mame/marquees
artwork snap $HOME/mame/snap;$HOME/mame/videosnaps
artwork wheel $HOME/mame/wheel-missing;$HOME/mame/wheel
The flat_blue portion of my attract.cfg:
layout_config flat_blue
param crt_shader Disabled
param game_info_1 Year
param game_info_2 Manufacturer
param layout_rotation None
param menu_art_type Icon
param menu_video Disabled
param scanline_strength Weakest
param shadow_strength Medium
param show_wheel Enabled
My icons are in .ico format. Which file formats are supported?
edit: There is an error about a missing "panels" index. I don't think that it is connected to the icons problem, but here it is nonetheless:
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'panels' does not exist]
*FUNCTION [constructor()] line [74]
*FUNCTION [main()] line [92]
[layout_settings] TABLE
[test_resolution] INSTANCE
[layout] INSTANCE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE
Script Error in /home/user/.attract/layouts/ (flat_blue/layout.nut) - the index 'panels' does not exist
- Loaded layout: /home/user/.attract/layouts/ (flat_blue/layout.nut)