I'm actually quiet pleased with this - what code did you use to do this? I can't help but notice how bright my boxart is now haha!
if ( my_config["enable_boxart"] == "Yes" )
local hor=-20;
local artworkSombra = fe.add_artwork( "boxart", hor-10, 126, 460, 320);
artworkSombra.set_rgb (0,0,0);
artworkSombra.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local artworkSombra2 = fe.add_artwork( "boxart", hor-12, 126, 465, 325);
artworkSombra2.set_rgb (0,0,0);
artworkSombra2.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local artwork = FadeArt( "boxart", hor, 123, 460, 320);
artwork.set_rgb (155,155,155);
//artwork.trigger = TRIGGER;
artworkSombra.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
artworkSombra2.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
artwork.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
artwork.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;