Release v5.5 must be one of the shortest living updates in this forum's history because release v5.6 is here and it's all about
Linux compatibility!It annoyed me that despite all my hard work, using the same frontend with the same modules with the same layouts I couldn't get the same results on linux. Animations where missing, background art was not loading, letters were not showing and even the Amiga 500 png image refused to show. So enough was enough, I had to investigate. I found out two issues:
1. Some attract mode modules don't work the same on Windows and Linux - I found two of those: 'Fade' and 'Pan-and-Scan'.
For example, 'Pan-and-Scan' has two functions: PanAndScanArt() and PanAndScanImage(). On windows PanAndScanArt() loads images both in and out of the layout folder but in linux it doesn't! In order to load images from the layout folder you must use PanAndScanImage() which is dedicated to that purpose. This is why my hovering animations didn't show when running on linux.
2. Apparently, linux is case sensitive but windows is not. For linux, "amiga500.png" and "Amiga500.png" are two different things. Luckily I had only ONE of these case sensitive issues. So the Amiga Forever! theme now works properly. As for the Leters, "a.png" and "A.png" are also distinct in linux so now all letter packs are lower case ("a.png").
So, The Great Themes Collection should now work on Windows and Linux! HURRAAA

I tested with attract mode 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 VM.
Download link on original post page: