Workaround for any emulator system or application :
1) cmd > start .exe with /? or -help parameter => in this case : --help
2) see attached readme-file in emulator or application folger => tells the correct commandline parameters
3) start .exe > hit F1 for help/manual => in this case not supported
4) using google : different threads tells the correct commandline parameters
So see Post#7
http://spaceinvaders.fr.yuku.com/topic/583/ZiNc-emulator-help-please#.VzsBLEY9nrs-Start game with game number (not very handy)
-create batchfile with correct parameters and rename to correct game title
C:\attract\EMU\zinc\ZiNc.exe 8 --roms-directory=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\roms --use-renderer-cfg-file=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\renderer.cfg --renderer=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\renderer.znc
-rename it to "Street Fighter EX 2.bat" and move all to a single-folder (e.g.: C:\attract\EMU\zinc\links )
In AM use this settings for config-file:
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\zinc\links
romext .bat